57. Her Voice

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--Loki's POV--

Its been a few hours since I left (Y/N) at the infirmary, I was still furious, I know she's naturally flirty but that sounded like something far more than flirting.

"(Y/N) he should know-"

"-and he will please just... Please, let me tell him."

Just thinking about it made my blood boil, and seeing Bruce walk into the common area with a clipboard and watching that Natasha woman kiss him before he could say anything. Was one not enough for this seemingly timid doctor? Bruce pulled away "Not now, have you seen (Y/n)?" he asked 'Oh my Norns, I'm right here' I thought then stood as Nat shook her head. Bruce looked up at me "Loki, have you seen (Y/N)?" he asked again so I decided to toy and walked forward, glaring at him as I walked "As a matter of fact I have. I've seen her 100 different times, 100 different ways, in just as many positions now that you mention it..." I asked, crossing my arms at him.

Bruce blinked "Yeah I know you have but I meant since earlier, she's not in her room." he said, seemingly caught off guard by my accusation. I chuckled a little "Ah, no I haven't... What about you doctor... How many different ways have you seen (Y/N)?" I seethed. Nat went wide-eyed and looked at Bruce who blinked "I... What?" he asked, the conversation now involving Tony who just walked in "Don't play coy, I heard you two talking earlier." I hissed. "Bruce, what the hell is he talking about?" Nat asked now suspicious of her man as I was.

Bruce sighed and brushed his hair back, looking between us "Nat, Loki, thats not what it sounded like I swear-" I grabbed his collar, pulling him to me "And how exactly was it like? Because to me, it sounded like you and my woman have been messing around behind my back." I growled out. Bruce looked at Nat who just watched angrily "Not gonna jump in and help me here?" he asked, Nat only blinked "I don't know Bruce, that depends, have you been messing around with my best friend?" she asked flatly.

Bruce struggled against my hold "Loki put him down! He said thats not what it sounded like!" Tony yelled, trying to get me to put him down but that wasn't happening without an answer. Bruce glared at me "God damn it you self-absorbed idiot put me-" I slammed him against the wall "Answer me, doctor, before I get angry" I hissed, caring not for the beast within. Bruce growled and glared as he struggled against me, ignoring me which made me snap

"Answer me doctor how many times have you met with her?!"


My heart sank as my expression softened, after a moment I set him down, he stared at me with something that looked like pity and regret. I blinked at him as the news was processed, Natasha only covered her mouth with one hand as Tony backed up from me. I kept my hand on his collar "... How?" I asked, "Someone gave her sugar pills in a birth control container, she hasn't been taking birth control at least for the last few months." he explained, pulling my hand off his collar gently. I left my hand there as I just seemed frozen "I need to find (Y/N)" I murmured before walking away then jogging down the hall "Stupid stupid stupid! Of course, she's pregnant she's been glowing, she's been sick, and her breasts are enormous now! I'm such an idiot!" I yelled as I ran down the hall, skidding to a stop at her door. I walked in and looked around, she wasn't there.

I teleported to the pool, she wasn't there either.

Neither the gym

Warehouse three

Or even her home in the mountains.

I teleported back to the common area frustrated "I can't find her anywhere" I said, holding my mouth as they stared "Well she just found out she's pregnant, give her some space." Natasha said. I shook my head, a knot in my stomach forming as my brain screamed that something wasn't right "She messages me when she leaves base... Come pet." I said, using my charm, but nothing. Tony arched a brow "I don't know if I appreciate that." he said, I shook my head "It's a charm, it teleports her right to me but it didn't work." I said the knot tightening.

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