36. Bathtime Sexting

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Warning: Rough sexual imagery

"Loki I'm-"

"Actually (Y/N) you should leave, he needs to be locked up for a week"

You bit your lip looking at him, he was glaring at you and panting heavily, your presence obviously being hard for him so you huffed and nodded as Bruce told Friday to lock down the room. You touched Bruce's shoulder and teleported him back to outside your and Nora's room "So... So wait what is he?" you asked, confused as to what Loki just said "I'm sorry (Y/N) but thats his business to tell you in his own time, I can't compromise a patient" he said. 

You sighed and looked at him "I understand... I'm just so confused" you said, holding your stomach as he sighed "I can tell you that if you just leave him alone for a week he'll be fine, once a winter he gets like this." he explained, patting your shoulder. You brushed back your hair "Did I do this to him?" "No no no no, not at all, he did this last year before you showed up too, it happens every year. He just thought you would be able to saite him this time but right now this is for your safety," he said, shivering a little.

 You hesitated before nodding "Okay... Okay..." you trailed before he went into Nora's room again, leaving you frustrated and confused. You began to walk back down the hall once more as you processed everything that had happened, Loki wasn't an Asgardian?! What the hell ?! You shook your head and pulled out your phone before sighing

'Loki I'm sorry if I hurt you... Please let me know if you need anything okay?'

You huffed and entered the elevator, tapping the 3rd-floor elevator button, not prying your eyes off your phone.


'You did not harm me, it's merely the way I am... This isn't how I wanted you to find out, I've been trying to tell you, truly I have.'

You bit your lip and inhaled 'Bruce didn't tell me anything, he's a doctor and you have rights... I want to know what this is but right now is not the time... Do you feel better?'

After a moment of riding the elevator you stepped out to meet Steve "Hey! Look who's up and about." he said happily, clapping a hand on your shoulder. You smiled at him "Good morning Steve it's good to see you... I'm actually heading to my room to rest for a bit" you said, beginning to walk as he followed, noticing you were a little staggered "Woah, careful, here, I'll walk you to your room." he said politely then helped you stand and walk. 

You smiled and held his hand "Thank you Steve" you said, walking with him back to your room "So... Did it work?" he asked excitedly, making you laugh "In a way? Yes." you said, making him nod "Thats great! So we're definitely making progress it's great!" he said, noticing you were down "Wheres Loki? Last time we checked on you he was there." he said, making you blush "Uh he's getting some rest, poor thing stayed up" you said, snapping your head over as you heard your phone go off.

'A little... your smell was driving me rabid, as intoxicating as it is. I'll feel better once I relieve myself of this stress'

You blushed a little then pocketed your phone "Go ahead and curl up, I'll bring you some food later and let everyone know they can bother you again" he said, making you laugh "Yeah, thanks." you said sarcastically as Steve let go. You walked into your door "Seriously, thank you." you said, to which he nodded and left before you walked inside, shutting the door behind you.

 You looked around a bit then caught a glimpse of yourself in a mirror, Jesus no wonder everyone was worried, you looked exhausted. Your eyes had dark circles and your skin looked pale, 'Wow... I knew I exerted a lot from the calling but I didn't know it was that much.' you thought, touching your cheek. Then Loki's words flashed into your mind from earlier

She Burns (LokiXReader)Where stories live. Discover now