1. A Business Transaction (2-2)

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Bruce came back inside recognizing you getting overwhelmed and ran to your side like a doctor would "Steve, water!" he called, trying to guide you through it. You began taking deep meditative breaths as Steve ran in and poured you water, giving it to you "Should you be drinking right now?" he asked, Bruce shook his head holding your hands around the cold glass "It's more for the sensation of cold, it helps center patients with anxiety episodes" he explained as you breathed.

Tony set down his phone "I didn't know something like this could be so overwhelming" he said, making sure he didn't break the poor girl. You shook your head "It's just... It's been years since I've heard quiet, even up here I could hear the occasional hunter, tour group, mountaineers, but I was okay because the city was just..." you shook your head, biting your lip inward as Bruce sought to calm you

"It's never been pure silence like this... Not since what happened and I just... I just wasn't prepared I'm sorry." you explained, making Tony reach his hand out "no no no, don't worry about it, we wanted to help you." he said. 

You nodded remembering who it was you were talking to and put the walls back up quickly "Okay... Okay... Why? Y'all don't know me so why?" you asked, going to take out the earbuds

"Woah! Hang on, let me slowly turn the volume up before you take those out... " Tony trailed, grabbing his phone and fiddling with it. You began to breathe normally as everything came back, you missed the silence dearly but it was almost as overwhelming as the city noise.

"To be frank... We need your help... You started hearing thoughts after you received the message right?" Steve asked, his tone was gentle. you huffed, and nodded "Yes. When the day is bright, and the solstice is nigh, arrives the beast with just one eye." you said, looking to the side.

It was clear you didn't like talking about what had happened to you specifically "Right... Well, we've been preparing for the said beast." Steven explained making you look at him confusedly "Why would you? No one believed me." you said. Tony cleared his throat "And neither did we. Well, I didn't... That is until it happened again a year later-" he rummaged in the suitcase, pulling out one file and putting it on the table "and another one." he said "also a year later" he placed five files on the table "Once a year for the past few years it happened." he explained.

You blinked and took the files where it showed paperwork, a picture of a woman, and a picture of that same woman kneeling down in the street with a beam of light surrounding her, her eyes blacked out. You stared at the picture 'Oh god... Is that what I looked like?' you thought, Tony, tapped the pictures "The difference is these women were only exposed to this whole phenomenon for about 5-10 minutes max, before someone touched them, which made it stop" he explained. 

You nodded in understanding "Whereas I was exposed to it for two days." you stated, earning a stunned silence from the room, making you look up at them. you blinked looking between the three gentlemen "What?" you asked "Two days?" Bruce asked "You were stuck like that for two days?" he asked, pointing at the picture.

You nodded, putting down the glass of water, now that you had calmed down "It's definitely a touch-based thing... I was pouring some lemonade then I passed out, when I came to the entire damn forest division was in my house. Saying that they'd been trying to locate the source of the light the entire time. It took a while for them to find me because they thought it was some searchlight. The sheriff, guy I was dating at the time went to grab me and it stopped." you explained.

Bruce and Tony looked at each other for a minute before Tony looked back "And no, no side effects or anything? Just the powers?" you asked, taking your back "I'd call being psychic a side effect." you said, crossing your arms. 

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