37. A Lovely Morning

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A couple of days have passed, so far Loki had only been able to send images to your head that you'd learned to block out after your first month there and his mirages seemed to only come around when you were alone or to convince others he was there when you were in the room. You spent your time training and recovering from the event, you'd gone to see Nora seeing as she'd been in the hospital wing this time. Thor appeared to be there for her quite a bit, so you decided not to crowd her, he was enough on his own.

You found yourself in the kitchen, trying to make some food for lunch, all the Avengers were sent out to deal with other meteors that fell to earth so it was just the sick people here, and Thor. By right you were feeling tons better though, you even trained a little longer today, which is why you were trying to make food. You stirred the soup a little before looking out the window as snow ladened the ground outside, making you smile, you loved the winter and all its activities.

You walked over to the window staring out as you tightened the shawl that covered your shoulders as you enjoyed the sight, there being a slight serenity to it. You heard Loki's illusion step up behind you as you sighed "Please Loki, I know you're upset but no teasing today... Just look how beautiful it is" you said, gesturing outside a little.

His arms seemed to wrap themselves around your waist, phasing through it slightly "I suppose I could release you of this for now... I know how much you love your planet and its seasons." he murmured jokingly. You rested your hand above where his arm was, you knew it wasn't there, but you missed the feeling of Loki's arms around you, that warmth he gave you, even the small kisses on your neck, it was a source of comfort that paired nicely with the weather. You turned as the timer went off, going to walk around Loki "Your lunch is done" you said, walking over and pulling out the bread, placing it on the counter. He walked over and smiled, "Is this ginger soup?" he asked, pointing at it "No, this is (Your favorite soup/meal) it's my favorite, and I think you'll like it" you said.

He smirked a little as you poured the bowls "Does that mean you'll be hand delivering this meal?" he asked, stepping up behind you, ghosting a hand over your spine. You sighed a little "It can't be helped, unfortunately..." you trailed as you set up a tray for him "No funny business, I'm leaving it in the bin thing." you said. He laughed "That small opening is all I need." he said, referring to a food transfer slot in his wall specifically built for him when he got there.

He rolled his eyes then tilted his head "You're about to have company darling... I'll eagerly await your visit" he said, leaning into her face before disappearing. You exhaled a little and shook your head, but stopped hearing thunderous laughter and giggling coming from the hall and you turned to see Thor and Nora walking in. Nora was out of hospital gowns and now wore some black jeggings and a baggy T-shirt instead of that stuffy hospital gown.

You smiled "Nora, you're out of prison!" you said, extending your arms up in excitement, she not only returned the smile but a small flush spread across her cheeks "Uh Y-Yeah I was feeling better so Thor sprung me," she said as she walked in, admiring the common area. You noticed her clothes looked wet... specifically around the feet, so did Thor's 'Aw, they had a lil snow date' you thought.

You nodded "Thats about right... C'mon, I just made food, real food." you said as Thor rounded the counter that Nora sat at "Soup?" he asked, you nod as he laughed and pulled you into a spine crushing hug "Lady (Y/N) makes the best food, you are in for a treat Nora!" he exclaimed happily as you smacked him with a spatula demanding that he put you down. Nora only laughed before he set you down "Just for that here-" you handed him a tray with the food, a drink, and a book you'd brought out for him "Take this to your brother, I don't need him trying to talk me into his room." you said.

He only laughed at the thought, being one of the most supportive people concerning your and Loki's relationship, he thought you were truly good for him and saw you as a little sister, and you, a brother. He nodded and took it "Yes yes, I'll be right back," he said before going to turn "Wait, Thor," you said, getting an idea, and handed him your shawl "Give him that too for me?" you asked, placing it gently on the tray. He chuckled a little "Post haste my lady" he said then bolted down the hall, trying to give it to him and get back before the food got cold. As he left you looked at Nora who seemed to be smiling and watching him as he ran like an excited child, you smirked and leaned forward on the counter, sliding over to where she was as she didn't seem to notice.

You rested your chin on the palm of your hand "... SO!" you started, she jumped and look at you as you smirked "Would you like some soup? Or are you more thirsty?" you asked jokingly, smirking at her flush. "Y-Yes please, soup sounds good," she said, looking down. You laughed and pulled back "I'm just teasing, Nora, I can hardly blame you, he is striking." you admitted with a shrug as Nora cleared her throat "He is... " she trailed off. You turned a little to her as she seemed to play with her fingers, she seemed so reserved "Hey..." you trailed, making her look up to meet your eyes as you examined them you went wide-eyed "Woah..." you trailed, leaning into her face "Your eyes are two different colors!" you exclaimed.

Her face beat red as she cleared her throat "Y-Yeah... Ones blue and ones black." she murmured again, bashfully, as you realized you were right in this girl's face "Oh my god I'm sorry!" you said, pulling back. She shook her head, her blush not residing a bit "It's okay! Mani explained that you were... Well, that Sol was a personal person." she explained a little, still fidgeting with her fingers. You laughed a little, she was so shy and cute it was hard not to "Here kid" you said, handing her a bowl of soup that she began to lap up, happy to have something besides hospital garbage for once.

You sat down with your own food "You and Mani talk at all after the official meeting?" you asked, beginning to eat, she nodded "A bit... She's not terribly happy with her vessel, and I'm not happy to be here so we have that in common." she said with a shrug. You snickered and shook your head "Why is she not happy with you?" you asked, to which she shrugged, taking another bite "I can't play music, I don't want to be here, I'm fat, take your pick" she said with a shrug.

You narrowed your eyes "A. You can learn, B. Join the club, C. You are not. No negativity in this compound" you said, then reached out and touched her hand causing her to look up "I happen to think you're quite cute, the way you fret about others, how shy you are... The way you can't meet anyone's eyes without blushing." you said as she seemed to do it with you. She cleared her throat "Well you're all super hot celebrities where I come from, and I'm a fangirl, so it's kind of a lot." she said, standing up for herself somewhat. You laughed and continued eating as she laughed as well "Tell me... Alina Wilders, how is she?" you asked, deciding to be vain.

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