17. The Party

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You arched a brow 'I already got your present, thank you for the watch' you sent before Wanda and Nat emerged, looking amazing as always. Nat offered to hold onto your phone and wallet as you didn't have a purse, so you gave them to her before hopping into the elevator. After a long ride up to the party area (Like the one from Age Of Ultron), the doors opened and a small army of people yelled 


You knew it was coming but oddly enough seeing all these people come together at what had to be the last minute for you was oddly nice, it still brought a huge smile to your face that you tried to hide as you told everyone 'Thank you for coming, and accepted birthday wishes. After a few wades of people you found the other Avengers "Happy birthday kid, you look amazing." Tony said, giving you a hug, followed by Pepper 

"Thank you Tony, and thank you for the recreational trip," you said, hugging them both tightly. Each Avenger reached out for hugs before you blinked and looked around "Uh, sorry your boyfriend is not here" Steve teased, to which Nat shook her head "Not her boyfriend, they're just fuck buddies" she explained calmly as she mixed everyone a drink at the bar. 

Steve blinked a few times as he stared at Natasha processing what she just said as you shook your head "No I'm just surprised Thor isn't here" you said with a shrug, he loved these get-togethers. Sam snapped his fingers "He'll be here in a bit, but before I forget, he wanted me to give you this." he said, pulling a silver bottle of red white, and blueberry vodka and handed it to Nat. You arched a brow "But I can't-" Sam held up a hand "Its that Asgardian mead, we just couldn't find a different bottle" he said, you smiled "Yes! I can actually get drunk!" you said before hopping up on a stool excitedly. 

Natasha laughed and tried to mix you something that would work with the taste, and for the most part, she did good, but with mead, it's impossible to avoid. The drink is bitter at first but is quickly cooled with the Irish liquor and chocolate milk that's in it, but it oddly worked? You exhaled "Hoo-ha," you said, setting down the cup before behind you...

"Saint Bernards! HOO-HA!"

You jumped and turned, letting a huge smile envelop your face as you came face to face with not only your old squadmates but your sister as well! You hopped down and ran over, grabbing Serena and squeezing her with all your might as she did to you, along with your squad "Smitty, Everly, Bason! God, you guys even dragged Eva and Rich out of bed" you roasted, hugging each squadmate individually. You haven't been able to see any of them since you got your powers, urging them to stay away because of your powers. 

They laughed and smiled at you "My stars (Y/N), you look amazing!" Smitty said as Bason held your finger and you did a small spin to show off the outfit. You pulled them over to the bar "Guys, these are the best of the best of the Saint Bernard squad" you said, introducing everyone to the Avengers who all gladly met. 

You laughed with them after then looked around "Wheres Micks? Couldn't make it out?" you asked, to which the squadmates fell somewhat silent, some awkwardly looking away. You looked between everyone and their somber expressions and sighed "... When and how?" the girl with short brown hair cleared her throat "2 weeks ago, he was stationed at an embassy when a suicide bomber tried to attack... Micks tackled him over a bridge railing where it detonated." she said. Your breath hitched a little and you looked down "Damn..." you trailed looking to the side for a moment before reaching over the bar for some shot glasses "Nat can you hand me a bottle of whiskey please" you said, taking it when she reached over. 

Serena reached out "(Y/N), it's your birthday we can-" "And Micks gave his life defending my absolute right to celebrate it in any way I damn well please" you finished, pouring your squadmates a shot. Tony nudged your arm, asking for the bottle as Steve grabbed more shot glasses, to which you smiled and handed it over, mouthing 'Thank you' and waited for them to pour theirs. You poured yourself a shot of mead, deciding it wouldn't be respectful if you couldn't feel it, you held up your drink "To the best damn soldier in the whole platoon, and the best idiot for a friend" Everly toasted before everyone clinked and took the shot. 

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