65. One Last Moment Of Peace

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You smirked at your tutors, Thor clutching a knee as Steve bent over slightly, panting "(Y/N) you shouldn't push yourself" Steve teased, you shook your head "Getting tired Rogers?" you asked. You repositioned as he shook his head, crossing his arms "No, but I can tell you are, you just had a baby, its okay to take-" you shook your hands dismissively "C'mon, c'mon, I'll take five when I'm dead." you positioned again. Steve huffed and rolled his eyes as Thor shook his head and stepped forward "Steve, take a knee" he said. He approached you, standing across the mat in his ready stance as you were.

As the buzzer sounded the two of you exchanged blow after blow, both of you either blocking or dodging the other's attacks. So far today it's been a mixture of draws and easy takedowns, it was beginning to get a little too easy.


You jumped, earning a tap on the jaw from him "Sorry" he said as you rubbed your face. You glanced up to see Loki standing there, holding your child, you winced a little and smiled "Hey honey..." you trailed as he glared. He sighed "Me time? Really?" he asked, you shrugged innocently "Me is involved at this time." you said, playing with your fingertips. He sighed and walked up "Its fighting which you shouldn't be doing" he said as you smiled down at Iden, his pink little two-week-old face wrinkled with your touch. You took him, "I'm sorry, okay? I need to squeeze in practice when I can" Iden began to fuss so you walked over to the bench.

You adjusted, rocking him slightly "I know that, but you practiced earlier today." he said, kneeling in front of you "If you keep pushing yourself you'll break," he said. You smiled at him, gently reaching out and stroking his face with your thumb, worry ladened his eyes. You nodded, looking down at Iden as Steve and Thor walked up "We'll pick up tomorrow, same time. You shouldn't be worried, you're doing amazing Lady (Y/N)" he said. You nodded "Thanks guys..." you trailed off then stood "He needs to eat so I'll see you guys later," he said.

They waved you two off before going about their own training, Loki shook his head as you walked "Loki I'm sorry, but I just wanted to squeeze in a bit more practice. I keep butting heads with Steve, Thor too! Like I'm keeping them at bay but I'm not overpowering either of them." you said. Loki shrugged "You've been trained by all of us, perhaps you're in need of a stronger teacher," you scoffed a little, stopping beside a window "If you can find someone I'd appreciate it" you said. He glanced out the window for a second before freezing, a slow grin spreading across his face before he looked back at you "Technically my dear, you already found her" he said.

You arched a brow then looked out the window to see Nora, in full Mani mode, using her violin strings to practice on the soldier, she was controlling about 40-50 people simultaneously. You looked at him "Nora?" you asked, Loki shook his head "No, bless her heart, she's good but no teacher... I mean Mani." he said. You blinked then looked back as she performed wonderfully and nodded "Okay... Yeah I can see it" you said then smiled at him "Looks and brains I see" you winked before moving. He chuckled and began walking beside you as you both walked to your room "If you'd like once we put him down for a nap I can show you what else I'm good for" he said, reaching an arm around your waist.


Nora stared across the table at you, her eyes purple and void-like as Mani was present, her fingers tapped at the table between you "You want me to train you?" Mani asked. You nodded, sipping your tea "I've gotten to a point where I'm butting heads or beating them, and... Well I saw the damage Sol did and it's not as she can train me" you said. She nodded, thinking a moment "Nora? It would be a bigger strain on your body but it would assist us too" she said. You smiled, last you heard Mani didn't respect, listen to, or like Nora, it was wonderful to see your little student flourish into this warrior she'd become.

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