62. Nice While It Lasted

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A//N: Only a few chapters left guys! Ah! I'd like to take this time to remind you that this version of She Burns will be getting a different poster when I make one. I was also going to do a mass edit of She Burns and condense it down, however, that would also mean deleting chapters, deleting comments, and votes. And I don't want to do that, some of your guy's comments really helped me keep going and I don't want to lose that.

SO Shortly after She Burns is done I will be releasing a 'Director's cut' if you will with some changes, some cuttings, and, of course, more smut. Its also condensed into fewer less confusing chapters and some scenes have been rewritten for clarity and understanding, some scenes added to fluff out the story. I really hope you guys are willing to give that a chance if you're up for it, either way both versions will be available. The Director's Cut won't be a week by week release either, I'm publishing it all at once so its available right away. I'll be posting an announcement on here once it is complete!

Love you guys and thank you for 3.3K Reads!

You opened your eyes, the soreness from last night radiating through you now, you looked around the tent then turned your head. You were in bed alone surprisingly, you sat up, blanket covering your body as you looked around, Loki was nowhere in sight. You arched a brow and got out of bed, wrapping a nearby robe around your body before you stepped outside. Loki was sitting on the seat by the cliff, he glanced over hearing the tent flap open and smiled at you before standing and walking over. You smiled "Good morning" you said as he approached you and kissed your lips softly "Morning" he said between kisses.

You smiled and rested your hands on his chest "Last night was incredible." he said, you nodded with a smile as he rested his forehead on you. He smiled back then cleared his throat "Well, my darling fiance', have you any plans today?" he asked, you pulled back from him and arched a brow "No" you said. He nodded and grinned "Excellent. I was thinking we could get married." he said, you chuckled a little "Yes you asked me last night." you said. He shook his head, pulling you to him by your waist "I meant today." he said, you went wide eyed "Loki these kinds of things take time and planning, we don't have either of them." you said.

He shrugged, "Well, I had them. While you were recovering, its friday after all." he said, grin widening at your shocked expression "I didn't want you to stress or worry yourself with anything. So in case you said yes, everyone pitched in to set things up at New Asgard." he said. You stared at him, still shocked. "You set up a whole wedding today on the chance I said yes?" you asked, he shrugged "As you said, what we don't have is time, and I want to treasure what bit we may have with you as mine, fully." he said. He pulled you tightly against him as you frowned "Before the wolves show up?" you asked curiously at his words, there was a hesitation before he murmured "Yes" against your ear.

You pressed your lips inward and nodded "I've got nothing better to do" you said then smiled as tears formed again. He pulled back and cupped your cheeks before kissing you again "Everythings taken care of, we only need to show up at New Asgard" he said. You nuzzled into his chest and smiled "When?" you asked, he glanced up in thought then back down "Whenever you're ready" he said. You nodded and pulled back, pulling on his hands as you walked backwards, pulling him along, he smirked and followed you back into the tent.

Nora's hands carefully trapsed through your hair as she tried to make it look the way you wanted "You really missed your calling with hair" you said, she was doing wonderfully. She chuckled "Yeah I guess if this god thing doesn't workout I have another idea" she said as you both chuckled. You breathed in and out deeply "Nervous?" she asked, you nodded "Its weird, I always imagined Loki and I spending our lives together but I skipped over this whole thing" you said, adjusting the dress. You were in New Asgard now with all the Asgardians, Avengers and friends that you knew, everyone made their way out for this event despite how last minute it was. It helps when you have access to jets that were faster than anything.

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