41. That's It

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Nora asked Thor about beginning training drills they could do as you began walking to Loki's room, some ideas stirring about what you could do the next couple of days. You walked up to Loki's door and knocked softly "Loki..." you trailed "What?" he asked, sounding far "It's (Y/N)... I brought you some tea." you said, backing up from the door slightly "Leave it outside the door, and go away." he said, sounding a little closer.

You frowned a little "If I do that I can't talk to you about leaving the base for a couple of days." he chuckled "No thank you, darling, I grow tired of training regimens." he hissed. You huffed and set the cup down "It was going to be more of a romantic getaway with just you and me." you said, crossing your arms. He seemed to wait a bit "What makes you think I'd want that?" he asked, sounding right next to the door "I mean, you and me in the mountains for two days, no one around for miles." you teased, jumping as he opened the door.

He smirked a little before bending down and picking up his cup "You seem to know how to entice me my lady... So you just wanted some time with your Asgardian fuck doll?" he asked venomously. You narrowed your eyes a little "I'd wanted a few days with my boyfriend but I can see there's a spoiled child in his place, so I'll have to find him later." you hissed back before turning, walking down the hall with him closely on your heels. He grabbed your wrist and spun you around "That's the second time you've walked away from me in 24 hours." He said "That's the second time you've lashed out instead of talking to me in 24 hours! I'm not indulging your childish tantrums." you said, trying to rip your hand away from him.

You glared "Loki, let me go." you tugged your arm as he tightened his grip "Make me. I'm not finished talking with you," he said. He began walking back to his room as you tried to wrestle your arm away "Loki let me go now, or you're going to regret it!" you yelled. You tried a couple more times to get away before you used your powers to push him off and into the wall... AGAIN.

Not as deep as last time, he was able to recover this time.

He pulled himself out and held his arms out "So we're doing this?" he asked, coming at you "No Loki, we're not you are. You attacked me and I'm defending myself. If you attack me again I'll defend myself again." you said, holding out your arms to him. He shook his head and raised his arms in a fighting stance "Loki, I don't want to fight you I just want to talk" you said before he tried to charge, you held out your arm, keeping him a few feet away.

You sighed and shook your head "Loki, this isn't a training session I will take you down if you come at me." you growled back, he glared and teleported, making you turn and kick as he appeared behind you, sending him back with a grunt. He looked up then stood as you raised your hands "You always go behind when you're trying to end it quickly" you said with a shrug before Loki charged you again.

You blocked his calculated swings and kicks "I'm not fighting back Loki!" you yelled, continuing to block or evade every hit. He stepped back with a huff and a smirk "It seems I taught you too well." he said simply "I'm not doing this... You want to keep attacking me fine, Steve trained me too, so you know how long I can last." you said, positioning yourself again.

He charged once more, making you block everything as he continued to come at you with the stamina you definitely never experienced in the training room. You groaned as he finally knocked you back a few feet before you gestured him over again "C'mon, I'll stand here and take it until you feel better" you said simply, shrugging your shoulders and raising your fists in front of your face.

He shook his head then panted and grinned "Is that what you think? That I need to beat my woman to feel better?!" he exclaimed, making you shrug "You're the one throwing hands with someone who's just trying to talk to you! This is asinine and you know it but if this is what you need to work past the anger then I'll do it because I love you, idiot!" you shrieked at him.

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