61. This Kind Of Ring

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You stretched a little in your sun chair, continuing to soak up some sun, very highly recommended from Bruce, especially the baby, and well it had been a while since you were able to just soak up the sun. It was one of the reasons you were so weak. You inhaled and breathed out before glancing around above your sunglasses, no Loki or green shimmer in sight, thank god. It had been a month since you'd been home, and while it was nice to be back with everyone and Loki they had been smothering you a bit, and right now you just wanted a bit of space. You had to basically threaten Loki to just leave you alone for 1 hour, and it was almost up.

A few moments later and a timer went off on your phone, not a moment later and there was a green shimmer on the chair beside you "Hours up darling" he said. You sighed and glanced over noticing he was in swim trunks also laying back "How long did you wait in swim trunks?" you asked. He shrugged "Half an hour," he said, you roll your eyes and close them again "Thank you, sometimes I just need a bit of alone time." you said. You felt him take your hand "Anytime" he said, you snicker quietly"Anytime in general or anytime I threaten to hold out on sex until the baby comes?" you asked, he shrugged "Bit of both" he said.

You giggled a little before feeling him reach over and rub your belly "They kick at all today?" he asked, you shook your head. "No but they're dancing, on my kidney specifically." you said "Hmm." he said then trailed his hand down to your thigh, drawing small circles with his thumb. You shivered a little "We still good to spend time together tonight? I can't wait to be back in my room." you asked, still very conscious about his hand movements "Yeah" he said. His hand started to go inward, you shiver a bit "Loki Jesus give me a minute" you whimpered out, earning a laugh from him before feeling him crawl in beside you, switching hands on your thighs. "Your voice says to keep going darling~" he cooed, his hand going higher and higher-


You jumped and looked over at the pool as water splashed over you and Loki, only to see Peter reemerge from the water "Peter!" you yelled. He winced seeing the both of you soaked and Loki hadn't moved either "Sorry~" he said then looked away as you pushed a glaring Loki off you with a blush. You stood with a groan "It's fine, I need to lay down anyway" you said, grabbing your now soaked book and looked at Loki with a pout, who dried it instantly with an eye roll

"I spoil you"

"And I grow your child"


You chuckled a little, ready to walk out "Be good while we're gone Peter!" you exclaimed as you two walked out. You were walking downstairs this time because you both decided no teleporting until Sol came back and so far she hasn't though. Which was troublesome enough as is. What's got you very worried right now is this 'surprise trip' Loki planned out for the two of you. He'd gotten proper clearance and everything to take you somewhere, just the two of you, you'd figured the cabin at first but now you weren't sure. He laced his fingers with yours "Do I really get no hint?" you asked, he shook his head only glancing back "None whatsoever" he said. You rolled your eyes, following him to your room, where he had a bag ready to go, he was just taking you somewhere for the night. Somewhere private, which was all you really cared about.

He changed with you into some comfy clothes, you wore a sundress as you'd outgrown your pants, and grabbed the morganite ring, placing it on the chain of your necklace. Your fingers had swollen a bit with the pregnancy. You smoothed out your dress over the bump, holding it as you looked in a mirror at yourself, you hadn't fully healed from everything that had happened. Your eyes were dark, skin paled, scars and burns littered your body, there were so many marks from the event, the toll the pregnancy was taking was pailed in comparison

You didn't look like yourself at all, and you hadn't felt like it either.

Loki walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around you, his arms going under your breasts "How's my beautiful woman?" he asked lowly and in your ear. You had to smile and chuckle a little "If I see her I'll ask" you said, he frowned and nibbled your ear, you gasped a little "She's right here. Silly girl" he said discouragingly.

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