2. The Job (3-3)

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Looking at the screen you saw Loki, sitting in armor, looking freshly fought, sitting at the table with a multicolored man sitting in a chair, who you definitely needed to ask about later. The purple man crossed his arms "Loki, do you know why we're here?" he asked, making Loki cross his legs "Ah, I assume we're talking about my grounding conditions?" he asked, cross, clearly not caring for being interviewed directly after a mission. The purple man chuckled "Your probation, yes, we're here to talk about letting you have an unarmed escort and limited public access with the said escort." he said 'Wait, so he's not even becoming free? He's just... less not free?' you thought, thinking it slightly unfair.

You tilted your head as Loki crossed his arms "It's pathetic I even need to settle for an escort, I'm a god I don't need a babysitter" he said then smirked "Unless I get a pick in escorts, in which case I'd simply need to see your world's most beautiful mortals" he said jokingly. You choked back a little laugh as 'I volunteer as tribute!' ran through your head, writing down that he's thinking about how he just doesn't want to be there. Loki got a devilish smile and tilted his head as Vision opened a file "They've asked me to interview you as I have no bias towards you, you'd be an invaluable asset" he said and felt.

You got the feeling he was a robot as he perfectly said how he felt, no hidden thoughts-Ideal for Loki. He opened the folder and looked at the paper "How have you been withstanding in the field? Do you feel the urgency to run?" he asked 'Well given the crap he has to fight I'd hope so.' you thought. Loki seemed to hold back a laugh after you said that, causing you to arch a brow "A god only feels the urge to run towards, I'm fine with fighting." he said. You furrowed your brow, glancing at the alarm button, trying not to project your suspicions. You huffed a little and continued to type, for the most part, he answered honestly with some snide remarks you couldn't help but smile a little at. After about half an hour, the interview was over an hour, feeling like an eternity for both you and Loki.

Vision, as you learned was the purple man's name, closed the folder and stood "Last question: Suppose you were given free rein, what would you do?" he asked. Loki smirked 'I'd take over this planet and rule you all if I could' he thought "Odin has still bound me to this planet for eternity, I would still probably die saving this planet." said. To which, you typed 'Still has planetary delusions of grandeur' in your notes and looked back to see Loki kind of upset looking, although vision has said nothing. Loki cleared his throat and stood then turned around facing the wall that was formally behind him "I've accepted your comments until now, however THAT is just rude I must say" he said as you arched a brow, why was he talking to a wall?

Your stomach suddenly sank and your face melted into worry, you had to be close to read him without interference from others. You clutched your head trying not to think about what that meant, you really did but it slipped

'He knows I'm in here'

"Yes, love." you heard in your ear as your headphones were yanked off. You yelped in surprise and pain, standing up and facing what had to be Loki as he stood in front of you, however, you could see him on the camera still, turning to Vision "So they found themselves a mind reader I see." he said with a smile. You looked at the tablet and cursed seeing the one on camera "I can hear the mind reader in the other room." he said to Vision who just looked confused "The what?" he asked sounding genuinely confused.

You drew your attention back to the god in front of you who tilted his head at you "Yeah... Yeah... They wanted me to make sure you're ready for the next step." you said, holding up your hands "and you did good, really good, see?" you said, gesturing the word doc. He glanced at it "Is that what you were doing... I see... I could hear you, but your thoughts were amusing up until this." he said, pointing at the phrase he had a problem with. You blinked and looked at what you'd written "I said I'd take over this planet and rule you all if I could, as I don't have an army I cannot." he stated, brushing the dirt off the iPad and handing it back which you took hesitantly.

He held up his hands "I did not come for a fight, I only came to see the mind reader on the other side of the wall." he said, lifting his hand and turning on the lights. There he stood, God of Mischief and lies standing there, still handsome, smiling at you. He tilted his head as he eyed you up and down with a blank expression except for a brief flash of confusion "You're spotted." he said, squinting his eyes.

You blinked and glanced at your skin, it takes you a minute to realize he's referring to your freckles, they were kind of all over. You nodded "Freckles, it's just a part of me." you said as he continued to eye you, but you couldn't read him anymore, you squinted your eyes "Hey... How are you doing that?" you asked, making him snap his eyes up "Barring you from my private thoughts? It's part of my many talents... Do you not know how?" he asked, tilting his head. You felt a small pressure again, holding your temple "Ah, my apologies... (Y/N), but that's the price of reading a mind reader... It's how I knew I was being read." he explained.

He crossed his arms as you frowned "Well... I'm sure you just saw everything?" you asked. He shook his head "No, I just wanted to know your lovely name, had I pressed for the information you would have passed out." he said, seeming to know way more about this. You blinked, looking at the video as Vision spoke to two guards as the other Loki waited impatiently to find out what the deal is. You looked at him, standing up confidently "I take it you don't know much" he said, making you huff, knowing he could see anyway.

He sighed "Honey, I know because you're projecting it as loudly as possible. I wasn't reading your mind earlier, you were speaking to me directly." he explained, causing you to gasp, you didn't even realize you were doing it! He chuckled and stepped forward "It seems you could use a hand learning the ropes... They speak of allowing me to have an escort... Perhaps you could talk them into letting that be you? We could work more... Closely. Together." he offered with a shrug "That is... IF I am allowed forward," he said, leaning in to kiss your cheek before disappearing. Once he vanished you exhaled a bit, just trying to process what just happened, breathing somewhat heavily then looked at the tablet, to see Fury now in the room, speaking to Loki. 

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