32. Mani's Call

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A//N: 1000 reads?! Are you serious?! Thank you guys so much I'm glad you're liking the story, here's an extra chapter! Thanks so much and here's to a thousand more!

You got changed then tried to tie up your hair with a simple but it wasn't working out for you until Loki came up "Here" he said, holding your hair up into a high ponytail and tied it off in a lovely bow then braided your hair with the ribbon, seeming to tame your hair enough to make it beautiful. You turned and smiled, giving him a hug "Thank you" you said, as he smiled and rested his forehead on yours. 

He held you for a moment in silence before inhaling "(Y/N)... I can't even begin to describe how proud I am of you, these past few months you've let nothing stop you... You'd be here in my arms overwhelmed and broken, but the next day you were ready for more. I admire you for that" he said softly. You smiled and shrugged "Can't get anything done if you're not willing to work." you said as he pulled you to his chest "Yes but still, you persevere..." he trailed as though he wanted to say something, but he exhaled instead. 

"Come on before they think I kidnapped you," he said while handing you your violin, making you roll your eyes "But you did though?" you said, taking his arm in yours as you two walked out "I did nothing of the sort,a" he said, then teleported you two to the helipad as everyone waited in the quinjet. 

Tony tapped his watch as you two boarded "We don't have time for you two to play grab-ass, cmon, Rock of Ages, Sunshine, get in there" he said, hurrying you two in there before he caught up. You smiled at everyone, waving at them, giving high fives and hugs before sitting down "Is Serena on the ground?" you asked Nat as she stood behind Clint and Tony who were flying "Yeah, Sam's got her there already making sure everything is set up... We sure a concert is the best way to call her?" she asked, tilting her head then noticed you had a small hair out of place and fixed it for you.

"Sol said whatever way I chose will contact her, she'll be calling her through me I assume," you said with a shrug. Sol and you discussed what to do and she agreed the best course of action was to go to an empty field and play your music, Sol would use her magic and your music to reach Mani. You sat down with a huff then began tuning your instrument carefully as Thor leaned over "Lady (Y/N), you seem distressed." he said, getting everyone's attention. 

You blushed a little as Loki whacked Thor upside the head "I'm just a little nervous..." you trailed as you plucked and prepared your instrument "Like everything I've worked for is about to be answered, I'll have Mani and we're gonna figure out who this beast is and what this prophecy meant. It's weird that it hasn't even been a year and already I'm getting answers." you said, feeling emotional. 

Steve and Peter slapped a hand on your shoulders "Well you've worked really hard for this Ms. (L/N), you've earned some top-quality answers!" Peter said with a thumbs up, making you laugh and stand, kissing the top of his head, Peter had become somewhat of a nephew to you in passing, as you'd helped him learn piano to impress a girl in his class he was dating.

You stood and tuned your instrument as others talked, readied the ground below for the performance. After an hour or so Clint called back "We're here" to everyone and your breathing hitched up into your throat, holding your instrument case tightly in your fist. You didn't know why you were so anxious about this, it was a good thing... Wait... You blinked a little "Discord." you said, eyes sparking them setting ablaze as you stepped out, Loki closely behind "Sol, are you okay?" you asked, to which she sighed through you "Yes... I just hope she hears this... I miss my sister." she said. You nodded and de-summoned her with a deep exhale, your eyes returning to their normal eye color while you approached the makeshift stage in the middle of a bunch of lights and speakers that made a wide circle in this field. 

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