34. Silence

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The smallest amount of chittering rose you to your senses

"And Loki I told you I'd come right to you as soon as she showed signs, you can't just keep appearing in her room!"

"Like I believe a word you said Banner, its been a week-"

"-And neither of them have moved in that time! They needed recovery from the magic, it overwhelmed them."

"A week?" you asked, the ones talking now making slight scurrying noises as Bruce and Loki ran over "(Y/N) You're awake!" Bruce said happily before nudging Loki out of the way and beginning to check your vitals. You groaned and looked around, you appeared to be in the hospital wing "Have I been here for a week?" you asked, completely out of it, your voice horse from not talking.

Loki walked over to the little water pitcher and poured you a cup as Bruce checked your senses "You have... Don't worry, your fine... You passed out the second you tried to touch Mani's vessel-" you cut him off "Nora... Her name is Nora" you said then sat up, feeling a tug at your hand you looked over to see Nora still holding your hand but she was out.

Bruce stepped back so you could look at her "We weren't able to pry your hands apart the entire time, we figured it was how you two were having that meeting." he said, to which you nodded. You wormed your hand out of her grasp and handed it to Bruce who gently put her arm back as you stretched your shoulder, stiff from holding the position for a week. Loki walked back, handing you the cup as you murmured a 'thank you' and began drinking heavily "Did you learn everything?" he asked as you looked over at Nora, her past and stories were still in your head.

You looked over at Loki as he gently took your empty cup and sat it on the side table, meeting your eyes again he shifted slightly "Darling? You alright?" he asked before you hugged him, if what Nora had said happened she would have never met Loki and you couldn't imagine these months of training without him. He froze then slowly held you as he read your mind "Darling, I'm right here... Shhh." he hushed as Bruce looked at him confused "That girl is... From a very strange world." Loki explained simply.

Bruce shook his head and looked over "We'll have to go over it in the meeting" he said, making you nod before you went to get out "Woah woah, I'm bringing Fury here to talk you're not going anywhere." Bruce insisted before toddling off. You smiled a little then laid back and smiled at Loki "So were those... Movie things?" he asked, trying to process it, making you giggle and nod.

"In a way... Come here please?" you asked, sliding over slightly in your bed. He peaked around the hospital door then smiled and crawled in, you hardly needed to ask, he pulled you into his chest "You-" he bent down and kissed your cheek "-Did-" he turned and kissed the other as you began to giggle "-Amazing" he ended with a deep chuckle as you held his face in your hands.

You smiled, tracing his cheek with your thumb gently "It worked Loki, I can't believe it worked." you said, making him clear his throat "That's not all darling..." he trailed then pointed to his ear canals. You arched a brow then went to fiddle with your earbuds as he suggested and gasped, they weren't in your ears "Oh shit my-!" you froze as realization hit you. You were in the hospital ward of the compound. With no earbuds... and yet, you heard nothing. Loki smiled as he saw that you were putting the pieces together "I read your mind a few days ago, and I didn't hear any of the talking, I heard nothing." he said with a smile as tears began to stream down your face "The voices... They stopped?" you asked, holding your ears, feeling floaty.

He nodded, brushing some hair away from your face as it blubbered and whimpered before he pulled you into his chest "Shhh my dear..." he cooed, brushing your hair softly as you clung to him, you smile widening as your ears enjoyed simple things, the free feeling, the tapping of shoes, the beep of machines. No privacy invading, no horrible thoughts or horrible plots just life being life, it was music to your ears, more so than the earth-saving concert you just performed. You curled into Loki and cried happy sobs as he seemed okay to just coddle you as you cried into him, your long-time burden now finally gone.


Fury leaned into his chair as you laid back in the hospital bed, Loki on one side, Thor and Bruce on the other, and Fury sitting in a chair across from you as he absorbed everything you just said. He inhaled deeply and looked at Nora who still slept peacefully "And she seems... On top of it?" he asked, making you nod "I'm sorry I can't go too into it but I think she can be believed... When she learned about not being able to ever go home she was devastated, and shaken, like she was truly distraught. I just don't see her doing that than lying to us about something so specific." you explained with a shrug.

Fury nodded, still watching her for a moment before looking back at you "We'll be waiting here for her to wake up and interview her... Then we'll send her your way." he said. You nodded, then looked up as Thor seemed to stare down at the girl "Thor?" you asked as he snapped over "I know she's your type but she's in a coma man" you joked, making his face flush as he tried to look anywhere else in the room.

You shook your head again "Okay, well if thats all I'm going to my room" you said, pulling the blanket "Woah, woah, (Y/N) you haven't moved in days take it easy." Bruce said, clamoring to your side. You groaned as you started getting out of bed then stood "See? Golden." you said then walked over, grabbing the clothes you were wearing that were wrapped up in a bag. Fury stood as you walked "Rest up while you can agent, the second you're better I have a stack of assignments with your name on them... Oh, and don't worry none of them revolve around reading minds." he said. You looked overarching a brow "Loki told us you couldn't hear thoughts anymore... To be honest we had expected that after you revealed the mind scan thing" he said with a shrug, making it seem as though it wasn't any huge loss. You frowned a little "I would like to have been in the know."

Fury only scoffed "Its not my fault it takes you a minute." he said as you held your items to your chest. Loki walked over and ushered you out before you could start taking swings at Fury. He laughed a little, gripping your upper arms "Come now darling leave the Director to his ribs" he joked though he did want to get you out of there. You rolled your shoulder a bit "My shoulder is killing me" Loki only chuckled "After a week in the medic's bed will do that" he said, rubbing his back jokingly.

You smiled up at him then moved your stuff and reached down to lace your hands together, he looked at the hands then at you as you nuzzled into the arm "Darling, you're awfully clingy today... Not that I mind but..." you laughed a little "Sorry it's just... Nora's from a world where we're all movies and her timeline of movies has some different things happen... Things in which we don't meet at all." you said.

He chuckled "And you're thinking of such sweet release?" he teased, making you stop and look up as he took a step, realized you weren't following, and looked back "No... I just... I don't even want to think about where I'd be if we never met honestly..."You trailed, looking him in the eyes when you said it. Loki blinked a little and met your eyes as though he were trying to think of what he'd be doing if you never came.

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