20. Belated Birthday Treat

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A/N: Thanks for 300 reads! As this is my first lemon for this series I'd like to let you all know I have a Tom Hiddleston X Reader story AND a book of smutty one-shots, which just updated today!

Warning: Smut-Subjugation, oral, intercourse, cunnilingus, orgasm control, name-calling, praise, choking

You bit your lip as he started leaving kisses up your thighs and belly, lifting your shirt as he kissed upward, paying some special attention to your breasts for a moment, still under the blanket. You laid back with a moan spread out on the bed before he emerged from under the blanket, making his way up to your neck "And at what point- ahh~- Did you find my surprise?" you asked before he kissed your lips "In the elevator on the way back up" he murmured before kissing you again. You blushed badly "Wait what?!" you exclaimed, sitting up on your elbows "You got a little carried away when I was carrying you, then I got carried away, blah blah blah," he said, still peppering his kisses as he removed the undershirt you were wearing. 

You leaned your head back onto the bed, enjoying his attention "Enjoying yourself love?" he hummed as he kissed back down to your breasts. You nodded and sighed "Just feels so peaceful right now, no craziness with Sol, no missions, it's just us relaxing together you know?" you said, smiling slightly, he came up again looking at you with a grin "I'm glad darling, you deserve peace... However, does that mean you DON'T want me to make you mine right now?" he asked as you felt light rubbing on your hip. You bit your lip "I never said that I never said anything of the sort" you defended making him laugh before biting down on your collarbone, making you squirm and arch into him. His hand continued up your side as the other went down your belly before he cupped you, beginning to move his palm up against your clit.

"Wait, Loki"

He looked up "What is it?" he asked.

 You bit your lip in thought "Well it's just the last couple of times we fooled around, that's all you did and I don't mind but aren't you getting bored of- Ahh~!" as you were talking Loki realized what you were going to say and rolled his eyes before pushing a finger into you. 

You panted as he only watched you with a laugh "I could never get bored of that reaction my dear... Besides, if I don't stretch you out I could hurt you" he said, making you laugh a bit before he looked up at you seriously. You blinked in surprise "Oh, you're serious?" she asked, to which he nodded, making you smile "Loki I appreciate you trying to keep an eye out for me but I've had a few lovers-" he grabbed your hand and pulled it down to a VERY engorged member, you couldn't even hold back a gasp as you realized that he wasn't joking. You bit your lip and smiled a little "I suppose you weren't joking" you said, beginning to stroke him through the pants he wore, taking advantage of the opening he gave you. 

He groaned a little, his hand still on your wrist but he seemed too distracted to move it, so you kept going and sat up to get a better angle so you were both kneeling on the bed. After another moment or two of stroking he pulls you away and pins you to the bed "Wait-!" you exclaimed before he covered your mouth, keeping your arms above your head "I've had enough of waiting, pet" he growled darkly, before looking up at you, his eyes that shone with love and admiration were now darkened with lust, he was sick of being pulled around.

He looked up at your wrists then smirked and leaned over to his clothes from last night, grabbing his tie and leaned back up, tying your wrists up by the headboard. Once he finished he yanked to make sure they wouldn't move then looked at you with a smirk "How do you feel splayed out before me pet?" he asked, pulling the sheet back and exposing your naked body to the cold, causing a shiver. 

He chuckled "Fear not, you will be warm soon," he said, leaning back down to resume his work in preparing your core for him. He continued to finger you, licking at about everything but your clit, driving you to arch and moan and squirm underneath him, and judging by his movement increase and the smile you could feel him waring. 

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