1. A Business Transaction (1-2)

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Tony huffed in second place as he continued to climb the hill, briefcase in tow "She literally went out of her way to pick the witchy-est looking hill to plant a house." he said, of course in jeans and a t-shirt and not proper outdoorsy wear. Steve, in first by several yards, shook his head as Bruce, unabashed in third-down the slope, just chuckled 

"To be fair, the case file had everything in it, including a picture of the house, exactly where it was located-"

Bruce interjected "The phrase 'Has gone above and beyond to cut off all contact with the outside world.' if I remember correctly"

"-and it would be impossible to read as I was passed out in the lab so forgive me for being a tad overdressed." Tony finished, looking up at a house that sat comfortably on a slope beside the mountain trail.

 It was a well-built home, on solid ground, they even had some outdoor furniture. He stopped and stared with Steve as Bruce tried to catch up "You know... I can't say I blame her." Steve said as Tony nodded "Not a cabin kind of guy" he said, muttering something about if he was he'd prefer a lakeside.

Bruce caught up and rested his hands on his hips "Ideal situation for a psychic like her though, no one around for miles except animals." he said, taking a swig of water. Steve nodded "By now, she's expecting us, so I say we just try to talk to her like people." he said before nudging his head and walking up to the admittedly lovely house. Tony nodded, following with a snide click of his tongue "It's more of a business transaction" he said, making Steve arch a brow

 "More of a job interview... Why do you say business transaction?" 

Steve asked as he approached the door, Bruce knocked politely.

 "Because I brought a briefcase full of money," Tony said matter of fact, making Steve snap his head 


"It's open!"

Steve shook his head, stowing that away for later. He opened the door to a moderately open room with a dining table in the middle of a kitchen/walkway that had four chairs, four plates with sandwiches, chips, and ice water.

At one of the chairs sat a beautiful redheaded woman, glowing green eyes, freckles on every surface of her the sun had touched, which seemed to dip just below the tank top she was wearing, poking just above the jeans on her hips, and the top of her bare feet. Steve Tony and Bruce stood staring for a moment, feeling as though they just walked outside on a sunny day, they smiled at her, not really knowing why.

Your POV

You sipped your water and smiled "Sit. Eat." you said, gesturing to the table as the guys somewhat froze before nodding and sitting down "I didn't wake up until an hour ago, and I heard you guys coming... Otherwise I'd have made soup, so I hope this is fine." you said as they sat, almost chugging their water out of thirst, they'd been hiking for a few hours now. You adjusted in your seat so you could join them, dining in.

Bruce cleared his throat as each of them finished their glass "So... Uh, Ms. (L/N)-" you shook your head, covering your mouth politely to speak "Please, (Y/N)." you said, making him nod "(Y/N), thank you so much again for having us in your home." he said politely. Steve nodded as well "Also for the sandwiches, ma'am," he said politely before also eating, you chuckled "My pleasure... Although when I told SHIELD to send me a deal, I didn't think I'd be catering to you three." you said. Tony nodded, wiping his mouth "Yes, well, forgive my candor, but they wanted to make sure they sent people that could handle themselves in case we had an 'Attack of the Killer Minds' situation." he said curtly.

Steve smacked Tony's arm as you chuckled, sipping your water "Oh, I heard that coming, and it was still great." you said, waving a hand dismissively at the group's surprise at Tony's phrasing "Although Mr. Stark is right to do so, especially after I threatened to shoot down the sci-fi helicopter thing you sent last time." you said, standing to grab the ice-cold pitcher, refilling everyone's glass. You cleared your throat "Given that you know the situation, and that I definitely know the situation I trust this will be an open conversation. I will also let you all know that just because you think quietly does not mean I won't hear it. I can hear all of you thinking yes even right now. So if you don't want me to hear it try and focus on some music." you said as you sat back down.

Steve looked over at you "What kind of music would be best?" He asked, throwing you off guard "Oh well... either classical or something bland, like a commercial of some kind..." you said with a smile, happy he'd bothered to ask. He nodded then inheld "As you know we've contacted you several times about coming over to work for us, I was just curious as to why you changed your mind, seemingly out of the blue?" he asked. You bit your lip and shook your head "I'd rather hear about this supposed 'present' Doctor Banner has in his briefcase he's so excited to share" you said, shooting a perfect smile at said surprised Doctor who smiled and nodded "That's on me I suppose, here." he said, lifting a small tactical looking briefcase with a computer in it "I'll get it set up Tony if you-" he gestured your as Tony was finishing up the sandwich. 

Tony nodded then stood, bringing his chair over to you and sitting it and himself down beside you "So, when we went over your medical charts, they said that your brain was giving off radio waves that were unrecognizable to our machines. Kind of like those radio waves we hear from space all the time. So, I took some of what they used to read and clarify those waves and made these little guys." he said, holding up two little blue earbuds, somewhat like hearing aids. You cocked your head and took one that he offered "Okay, so will my transmissions be clearer?" you asked. Bruce gestured to Steve to get up and walk outside the house as Tony messed with his phone "We need to test them first. Would you mind?" Tony asked, earning a shrug from you "Sure" you said, reaching for the other one. As you reached up to put them in your ears you heard 

'Please don't blow up'

So you stopped "... So IS there or IS THERE NOT a chance of these exploding, Tony?" you asked, causing him to sigh "Sorry, please, they are safe." he insisted, and he thought too. Unfortunately, sometimes people can't control their anxieties and you understood, so you put them in and huffed. Stark messed with his phone a bit "Okay now I need you to look at Steve and try to read him for me." he said, you listened and looked at Steve who appeared to be playing an ad for toothpaste he'd seen on TV the other day that had a catchy tune "Okay, I can hear him, clear as day." you said, bobbing your head and snapping your fingers to the tune showing Steve you could hear.

Tony nodded and slid something down on his phone, the tune seemed to fade and fade as he did, causing your mouth to drop "How... How did-" you stood, looking at Tony as he smiled with Bruce "You can't hear him right?" he asked, seeing the surprised expression on your face sending his heart soaring. 

You shook your head still surprised as Bruce stood up and stood in the doorway, in his head playing a song he listened to in the lab frequently, Tony slid his finger on the phone and Bruce became quieter. You fell back into your chair, Tony standing up "You okay? You alright?" he asked, taken out of amazement and flung into concern "I-Yeah-I'm fi- How? How did you do that?" you asked, still shocked.

Tony turned his phone "We figured out that your brainwaves work in a radius and we think we can shrink that radius down... Right now it's just volume control and a small radial delay but-" He looked up, feeling your grab his arm, and smiled as you covered your other mouth in shock and tears welled in your eyes 

'Silent' you thought 

'It's been years since I've felt true silence

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