45. Pub?

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You smiled fondly, the idea of a family flashing by your head, you wanted one at one point but with everything going on you'd like to take it one day at a time as far as future plans. You sighed a little, wiping your eyes "Good job Thor" you said, holding out your hand to him. He looked at it then you and smiled and hugged you, lifting you up "Excellent job sister!" he exclaimed excitedly as you flailed in his arms "Thor, no put me down!" you hollered, smacking his back as the others laughed.

After a moment he put you down and gestured the family as they got into the elevator "Your first real mission, (Y/N)! Come to the pub where we drink merrily!" he exclaimed, sliding on the jacket he had. The others clapped in excitement as you sighed and looked at your clothes, it was just a pub but still, you wanted to change "I'm gonna go change I'll be right back" you said then teleported to your room. You changed into some black jeggings, some black boots, a green sweater with two white stripes on each elbow, and grabbed a red scarf around your neck. 

You tied up your hair in a high ponytail then grabbed the ring Loki gave you and put it on your hand, admiring it for a moment before also grabbing a bracelet you'd received from Steve. Grabbing a small purse you threw in your wallet, phone, and a knife, one of many Nat has slipped you for one reason or another. You teleported back after a moment to find everyone was ready to go with a new person and no Loki. You arched a brow and looked around "Where is Loki?" you asked, everyone, snickered a little "He's grabbing something real quick" Nora answered quickly. 

You nodded and crossed your arms, beginning to wait, then glanced at the new man who smiled in return "Hello" he said, you smiled back "Hi, I'm (Y/N)" you said, holding out your hand. He shook it lightly "Thomas," he said then smirked "Do you perchance have a date tonight? Or perhaps one you'd rather ditch?" he asked. You narrowed your eyes "I do as a matter of fact, do you have a brain cell in your head that tells you not to hit on people you just met?" you asked. You snapped your finger and shook your head "Don't think you do." you said, Tom stared in surprise then snickered "Darling I'm sorry, but you are rather dense." he said. You arched a brow glaring at the stranger, examining his features for a moment before turning your head "Loki?" you asked. He winked "The one and only" he said, reaching a hand out to you.

 Loki had changed into a man with reddish-blond hair and a goatee, he had the same face and eyes, but it was a different look entirely, and he was dressed in a button-down and some dark jeans. 

He looked good, damn good. 

You blushed a little and took his hand "You look so like you and so different." you said in surprise as Nora giggled "What you're looking at is Tom Hiddleston, Loki's actor." she said as Loki pressed your hand to his lips. You nodded "Wow, you wear him well," you said then blinked a little "Wait... Tom?" you asked. Nova nodded "Yeah, in my world Tom Hiddleston and Alina Wilders met on set and it was as Tom put it 'Love at first sight.' They just had a baby... Well, they did when I left." she said with a shrug. 

You blushed a little as Loki wrapped an arm around your waist "Shall we get into character?" he asked, you shoved his face away and rolled your eyes as he only laughed. You took Loki's hand "Where are we going? I'll teleport ahead of time and get us a table." you said to which Tony shook his head "Oh hell no, we're driving cars like mortals now come on." he said, gesturing that you follow him. You groaned a little "But driving into the city takes for-ev-er" you said, dragging out the word as you held onto Tony's shoulders as he passed by, only dragging you with him until you let go at the stairs. 

You descended the stairs as Loki walked beside you "Is this form okay?" he asked, modeling for you as you giggled "I'd rather the original, but if you're not comfortable being out there yet I won't force you." you said simply. Loki, or Tom you supposed for the night arched a brow "So you don't want me to keep this form when we come back tonight?" he asked, making you shake your head, pointing at him "No. That's not what I said." you joked, still following the Avengers to the employee garage. 

She Burns (LokiXReader)Where stories live. Discover now