13. Training With Benefits

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You turned to see Loki dressed up as in a black tank top, workout pants and tennis shoes "Is this a mating thing on Asgard?" you asked "Can be if you want" he said, hands on his hips "I heard Widow isn't able to fight you because she's away, I'm offering to fill the seat" he said, holding his arms out. You laughed a little then blinked "You want to train me?" you asked, he shrugged, walking over "I mean unless you don't like the idea" he said. You shrugged "It not that, I-" he walked up, putting his hands by each of your hips, within inches of your face "-Even with fun stakes?" he asked, making you blink and smirk, looking him up and down as he smirked at you.

 You leaned back, arching slightly "-What kind of fun?" you asked, he looked up and down, trailing his tongue across his teeth "Come to the gym and find out." he said then teleported away. You blushed and huffed a little "We didn't even really talk about what I did... " you trailed then shrugged and stood, some sweaty close encounters with the god of Mischief didn't sound half bad.

You stood in his room and teleported over to your room, get your workout clothes out, leggings, a T-shirt when you stopped and smirked, you knew what you were walking into and thanks to Loki you could prepare, so you pulled out a proper workout attire for a session like this. You pulled out a White bra and tie-dye booty shorts, along with some gloves, and laid them out on the bed, all you needed to do was put them on... 

You stared at the clothes, they seemed to cover so little of the bed, how much of you would it cover? You bit your lip, playing with your hands for a minute before huffing and getting undressed, deciding to just get it over with for the sake of training and... maybe seeing Loki's reaction. You changed and looked in the mirror, breathing as you stared

'Feels like I'm doing it with a clown...'

You shuddered, shaking your head "Not like you'll be sleeping with him." you murmured, throwing your hair up in a scrunchie, then teleported over to the gym. Loki turned, clapping "Yes, I knew you'd join in!" he said excitedly then blinked as he eyed you "Had to pick an outfit," you said, crossing your arms "What kind of fun?" you asked. He stared at you still, focusing on certain areas, so you snapped your fingers "Your highness?" you asked, making him snap his head up.

"A bet," he said simply "We train here, with all your powers, some form of prize for the winner," he said, pacing around the mat slightly, you matched his place on the opposite side of the pad "Okay," you said, with a nod. 

You crossed your arms "What happens when you win?" you asked, Loki frowned "That's such a negative output have you no faith? Well, if I win, then..." he trailed off "I don't know... I suppose-" "-Winner's choice?" you asked. He snapped and pointed "Clever." he said, getting into a stance, which you followed "So just best you with my powers?" you asked, to which he nodded "Yes," he said. You nodded and looked up "Friday, referee mode!" you called, a scoreboard appeared on the TV "First to three pins is the winner" you said, still circling.

After a moment a bell went off and you teleported behind him only to be met with an elbow to the throat "I said all your powers" he said, turning to punch when you rolled away and jumped up. You grunted as you stood 'Shit I forgot to turn my radius back-' Loki started running "The enemy won't let you turn your ears on" he said swinging an arm out for you to duck under. You rolled into a teleport to his left side and kicked his ribs, shooting him back "Cheeky" he said, going in for a series of rabbit punches that you struggled to block before he kicks high.

You grab his ankle and twist down, and jump, pinning your knees to his back and pinning him face down. You gasped a little, struggling to hold him in place for the three seconds before the point was in your tally "Wait... I won?" you asked "It would appear so darling." he said from underneath you. You stood and offered him a hand "Sorry just didn't think I'd pin you." you said, still surprised as you helped him up, he shrugged as you teleported to your room and back to get your phone. You cleared your throat as you tapped at your phone "So, have you thought about what your choice is?" you asked, adjusting it so you could hear his mind and set the phone down on the bench.

He thought a moment as you squared up again "I could use a slave" he joked, squaring up as well "You?" he asked as the buzzer sounded at the start of the fight. You shrugged "Can I request that you shut up for 1,000,000 years?" you asked, ducking back as he punched, you stood up to grab his arm over your shoulder but he grabbed your hair and shoved you face-first into the mat, pinning your arms behind your back with a hearty groan "You could always silence me with the sweetest of treats beneath your sheets~" he hissed in your ear.

After the buzzer sounded you both stood, stretching "Please don't start with the cryptic rhyming I will leave." you threatened, going to the water cooler. Loki placed his hands on his hips with a blink "Nothing cryptic about cunnilingus, dear" he said simply, to which you nodded with a shrug, not reacting much to it "Not a fan?" he asked, tilting his head with a teasing smile. 

You shrugged, setting the cup down "Never had it." you said simply, stretching again. Loki leaned forward with eyes wide in shock "No... Really?" he asked as you shook your head "Nope... I stopped having sex after I got my powers and before that, it just never happened" you said, the clown remark still fresh in your brain.

"Hearing people's thoughts during something that intimate tends to be self-esteem killing," you said. Loki shook his head "That is an actual crime against humanity... I'm not joking. It's my favorite entree at the table." he said, holding his hand on his heart as though hearing you say that wounded him. You blushed, looking down at your hands "Really? It's your favorite?" you asked, earning a nod and a smirk from the hedonist God "Yes... I'll tell you what, I'll make that my choice if I win." he said, pointing at you. 

You blushed "Wait, you want to give me head if you win?" you asked, stepping over to the mat "Of course, I win and I get to induct you into the world of cunnilingus, and if you win?" he asked, poising again. You shrugged "I don't know..." you trailed off, poising to fight again then pointed "I want your help locating Mani," you said with a smirk.

He smiled "Alright then, Cunnilingus or Research, we shall see..." he trailed, holding up his arms as you did before the buzzer sounded yet again, you bent down, going to psych him out by sweeping his legs then teleported behind him. He smirked and grabbed your ankle, yanking you off your other foot and slamming you onto the ground, bending down to pin you, but taking a moment to come up between your legs with a smirk. 

You blushed for a moment then smirked, squeezing his head between your thighs and rolled over, leaning back to pin his legs with your hands and his arms under your knees. You panted and looked at him with a smile as the buzzer sounded "Thats two for research," you said, he smirked slightly leaning into your thighs "and a personal point for me" he said, sticking out his tongue teasingly. You blushed and teleported to the corner, clearing your throat a bit before giving him a thumbs-up, at a genuine loss for what to say

'I'm awful at flirting!' you thought, blushing

'You weren't awful last night' he thought back as he looked at you, still on the ground

You shook your head "That wasn't flirting that was kissing" you said, walking back over to the mat as he stood "No no, I mean that lovely number you sang last night" he said. You thought for a moment then gasped remembering that you sat in his lap, singing directly into his eyes "I-I really like that soundtrack" you said quietly, twiddling your thumbs a bit shyly. 

He tilted his head with an innocent smile "You're simply adorable" he said, rolling his neck then pulled the bottom of his shirt up to wipe the sweat off his brow. You noticed the glistening V that peaked out above his sweats, biting your lip as you watched him wipe the sweat off his forehead, straightening up as he dropped his shirt.

He went to get some water "Too hot in here..." he murmured, chugging the water so fast some of it ran down his neck to his shirt. You cleared your throat and nodded, grabbing a towel to dry your face on "Yeah, it's insane." you murmured in agreement, trying to keep yourself from staring at him like a horny school girl. 

After a moment you two met back on the mat "You're doing pretty good darling" he complimented, making you nod "I know right?" you said, thinking you may actually have a chance at winning this. He posed again as you did, waiting for the buzzer to go off before you both charged at each other viciously.

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