35. Heat

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His hand seemed to clench yours tightly before pulling you into his chest "I don't wish to think about it either." he murmured into your hair as you smiled, stroking his arm "Let's not then... C'mon" you said then led him away from the hospital floor. On the elevator you adjusted your silver silk robe "Tony really hooked it up with the hospital gowns" you said, turning away from the camera as you untied your robe and adjusted. 

Loki leaned his head back a little trying to get a peek as you retied it again "Really Loki? You have a picture on your phone of what they look like!" you exclaimed flustered as you closed the robe quicker and turned. He shifted his eyes and shrugged "Yes but you're right here. That picture is for missions." he said as though it were out of the question, making you laugh as the elevator door opened "Still haven't shown that to anyone?" you asked. 

He looked down at you with an arched brow "That's the second time you've asked me about that" he said, making you bite your lip as you two walked to the common area "Why are you so concerned about me showing others what's clearly mine?" he asked. You sighed a little, brushing some hair back "Guys tend to show off pictures like that as like a pride thing. Sometimes when you piss them off they post them on the uh... That Information library we access with our phones and laptops? To get back at the person in the picture." you explained.

 Loki hesitated a moment before pulling you to him and turning to pin you against the wall "Trust me when I say this... I don't like to share my toys, even pictures... So there is no way anyone but myself will lay eyes on that image but I." he whispered hotly into your ear. You blushed a little, placing your free hand on his chest "W-Wow you really like that picture..." you joked, earning a deep chuckle "Deeply." he said, sending shivers up your spine as his mouth just barely graced your neck. 

He chuckled a little pushing himself up into you "Not even awake for a day and you're already thinking about me." he said, making you whimper 'Oh thats right... I can't feel him reading my thoughts and I can't read his anymore...' you trailed, only to snap back as Loki's cold hands touch your sides "L-Loki we're in the hall~" you cooed weakly into his ear. He seemed undeterred despite the imminent tangle of your position, going to untie your robe to slip his chilly long fingers up your chest. 

You groaned a little and shivered, his hands were especially cold now, but they hadn't been this bad earlier, not that you were complaining, the sensation of everywhere he touched shot a feeling straight down to your stomach. You struggled against him, slightly hearing footsteps "Loki!" you gasped a little then closed your eyes and teleported you two to his bed, but he didn't miss a beat, continuing to fondle your breast "Loki~" you cooed, making him annoyed "We're not in the hall anymore, what?" he asked, pinching your nipple between his fingers, sending a sharp pleasure through your body, urging a whimper out. 

You shook your head "I haven't eaten in a week Loki~ Ugnhh~" you moaned out, squirming underneath him as he pinned you with his knee between your leg "Neither have I darling I'm trying to fix that~'' he groaned against your skin, making you drop your items off the edge of the bed. Loki hikes your leg forward as he begins to kiss down your chest "I'll have no more of your mewling tonight pet... I only want to hear your moans, your worship, and my name." he whispered as he kissed lower and lower. 

You arched back, reaching your hands down and gripping his black locks between your fingers "Ahhh~" you whimpered out, toes curling as he kissed closer and closer to your sex. You eventually let go and relaxed, letting him touch you where he pleased "You could barely wait for me to wake up~" you murmured "I said no talking" he hissed, making you bite your lip.

"Though you're right... I could barely keep my hands off you when you woke up, I'm amazed I made it as far as I did..." he trailed with a groan before covering your clit with his mouth.

You moaned a little before letting out a series of pants, this sudden attention coupled with the haze of still being half asleep was overwhelming to you. It didn't help when Loki haphazardly pushed a finger inside "Loki Jesus, give-" he reached up and covered your mouth with a tight grip, making you look down at him. He looked up to meet your eyes, but instead of his blue steely eyes you were met with bright red ones that shone like rubies.

"Open your mouth with any other god's name but mine and I shall have you over my knee" he said as you went wide-eyed and pulled away "Loki, somethings wrong with your eyes!" you said. He smirked "You'll need more than that to-" "-No Loki your eyes are red!" you leaned over to your phone, opening the camera app as he sighed, then showed him. 

He blinked and looked at them for a moment as his face went from drunken love stupor turned to panic as he ripped away from you, still staring at himself as he panted "I'm not cold I don't understand" he said then groaned and held his stomach. You crawled off the bed and walked over, touching his shoulders "Loki talk to-" he turned, holding your wrists tightly in his hands for a moment before dropping them and stepping away "What's happening to me?... Y-Your skin feels like fire to me..." he trailed, panting heavily.

You shook your head "Could that be related to what's happening to your eyes?" you asked, he shook his head as you closed your robe "No! I had the eyes before this, something was wrong with my body... Get the doctor!" he yelled, you nodded a little and teleported to the hospital room. Bruce, Nora, Fury, and Thor all jumped "Jesus!" Fury yelled in surprise "Bruce, I need you somethings wrong with Loki!" you yelled panicking before grabbing him and coming back to the bedroom. 

Bruce looked around then turned to Loki who was now on the floor curled up in pain "Loki what's the matter?" he asked, trying to touch Loki when he looked up "Red eyes... Shit, Loki are you in heat?" Bruce asked, pulling his hands back as you looked on confused "I didn't think it would be a problem this year since I had-" he looked at you, his eyes going from Panic and fear to regret and hunger in almost an instant as he eyed you. You arched a brow and covered yourself more

"Asgardians have a mating season?"

"I'm not an Asgardian! You need to LEAVE (Y/N)"

She Burns (LokiXReader)Where stories live. Discover now