59. Never Again

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A//N: Thank you for 3k reads!

The Next Day, 3:45 AM, somewhere in the pacific

I was frowning and glaring out at the open ocean as Nora held onto me, chuckling a little as she flew us.

"Loki I'm sorry I really don't mean to keep laughing-"

"-and yet you insist on it. I'd stab you if I wouldn't fall into the ocean"

"Yeah you don't want to do that, we only know about like 5 percent of what's going on down there."

I glanced down and blinked at the ocean that was a mere twenty feet under me "Could you stand to go a bit higher?" I asked, raising my legs up a little. She cleared her throat "No we need to fly low or the ship's sensors will pick us up... Do you see it?" she asked as I looked forward, I could see it rapidly approaching the scene. She nodded "Okay, I don't know where she is on the ship but I think I should be able to charm a guard into telling us once we get there." she said as we approached. I brandished my weapon, as she flew lower, getting us onto the lower level.

She brandished a small knife as well then raised her arms, I motioned her to follow me as I slunk through the halls. Eventually, we happened upon a guard so I grabbed him and dragged him down a hall, where Nora made a birdcall into his ear to charm him. His eyes glazed over purple "Shipping container 0-2-3-8-2" he said before I knocked him out then stood as Nora bent down and cut his hand, touching his blood to a cut in she made in her hand, she changed into him quickly, then took his radio.

I nodded "You got stronger" then I changed into another guard effortlessly "I can't help but feel like that was a form of bragging," she said as I dragged the guard into the haul "Why shouldn't I brag?" I asked sarcastically before shutting the door behind me. We walked through the many containers checking the numbers as we went by, I was getting more and more frustrated as we went up and down the halls. Nora even flew carefully to check the higher numbers, trying to use her birdcalls to get her to talk to us but nothing.

After an hour, Nora flew down beside me "I'm getting nothing, we should check the containers down below" she said. I nodded and sighed knowing this was going to be a bit more difficult. We managed to get down below only to find a few measly crates and they were empty as well, none of the numbers matched. After a bit I cornered Nora "You said she was here" I hissed "I swear to god she is, it's the exact ship, the guards look the same as the movie, she has to be-" she stopped mid-sentence then sighed as I waited, narrowing my eyes.

She pinched the bridge of her nose "We're idiots, why would she be with the other shipping crates unguarded?" she asked, I had to sigh as well, we'd completely overlooked the logic of that. She turned her head hearing someone coming then stood upright as I did, from around the corner, I heard a German man talking 'That voice sounds very familiar' I thought but tried not to look at him directly. He came around "Ah! Excellent, are you two doing anything?" he asked, I turned to him and shook my head, "Vundabar, this way," he said, walking past us. 

Nora and I looked at each other before deciding to follow him down the hallway "I need you two to watch the package for me" he said as we approached a heavily fortified door. He put his hand on it, proceeding to unlock the door bit by bit "I don't know what it is about this woman, every man I station outside her door keeps trying to get in there with her." he murmured. I began to glare at the back of his head as he begins to go in-depth about how several soldiers have tried to get in there to be with her. Nora adjusted her shoulders, brushing my hand in the process to realign my feelings

'Focus... She's right behind that door just focus!'

The man looked back at me, his eyes were whited over and damaged but he could clearly see in some way or another "I mean I don't get it personally, but it really needs to stop. She's not to be harmed or touched until after the baby. Then I'm throwing her to the dogs" he said with a charming smile before turning back.

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