46. Backseat Shenanigans

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You looked around then arched a brow, realizing that Nora wasn't there. "Where did she go?'' You asked aloud as Thor scoffed and pointed to the bar, a couple of guys seemed to be near her, talking her up as Nora shifted uncomfortably, seeming to wait for something. You narrowed your eyes as one of the guys tried putting his hand on her but she swatted it away "Thor, you need to go talk to her." you said. 

Thor shook his head, holding the beer in his hand "Nora grows tired of me interfering with her, she does not care for it when I fret over her." he said somewhat sarcastically to which you tilted your head "Did you two fight?" you asked, but he only ignored you. You looked back as the same guy tried to put his hand on her thigh, the other one on her shoulder "So you don't care that she's over there getting pawed like a fresh meal? She needs help, you idiot." you said. Thor turned to see the scene going on before setting down his drink and walking over to her, he said something to which the guys tried to push him away. 

The waitress arrived with your drink which you took and directed your attention away from the brawl as Loki watched the chaos unfold "You're not going to help?" "My drink just got there, besides, this is between the four of-Sorry, six of them," you said, beginning to sip your tequila. Everyone else seemed to ignore it as well and after a moment they were back at the table and everyone continued drinking, except for the designated drivers. You stretched a little after you'd had quite a few and leaned back "Guys, is gettin' kinda late... Sun's real low" you joked, leaning on Loki with a snicker. 

Bruce rolled his eyes as the others laughed, Steve looked at his phone "Alright, we should get going, some of us have training tomorrow." he said before standing. You nodded then leaned over to pull your purse out from under you, only to tip yourself over out of the bar seat and land flat on your back with an obnoxious laugh as everyone shot up "I'm fine ya bunch of heroes!" you said. Loki rolled his eyes and stood, somewhat wobbly himself "Come on silly girl" he said, picking you up and standing you up, handing you your purse "Okay, okay, how much was-" "-Don't even think about it" Tony threatened then gave the waitress his card. You scoffed a little "Dude, I've got so much from SHIELD backpay let me-" Tony waved his hand "Guest of honor doesn't buy their drinks it's a thing." he insisted. 

After a moment of you all standing and chatting away, Loki still letting you lean on him for support, she returned "Here you are Mr. Stark, thank you so much!" she said then looked at you and shyly walked over "Um... And this is for you." she said, handing you a scrap of paper before quickly walking into the kitchen. You arched a brow, swaying slightly before you opened it 'Lila 459-555-1561' with a kiss mark and snickered a little before shoving it into your bra and tapping it. 

Bucky looked at you with Sam in awe "You weren't even trying to pull!" Sam whispered as you smirked "I barely need to try my dude" you said, clapping a hand to his back. Loki rolled his eyes "If we're all done here?" he asked impatiently as Bucky snickered, "Worried about losing your girl?" he joked as you all began to walk out. Before he could answer you scoffed "He's got nothing to worry about, he's so unbelIEVABLY stuck with me." you said with a laugh as you held onto him around his neck. 

Loki almost tripped over you as you did then straightened himself out and used this time to pick you up "Nooo not this again I can walk DAD" you teased but rested into his shoulder. Nat looked at you and smirked "Guests of honor can't walk, I'd call that a good night." she said as she opened the door so Loki could place you inside the back seat gently.As he buckled you in he leaned into your ear "Also, NEVER call me Dad again" he said, making you smirk and lean into his ear "Would you prefer Daddy?" you asked, feeling him shiver a little before meeting your eyes with a grin.

"You are just aching for a punishment tonight."

"Aren't I always?"

He rolled his eyes then pulled out of the car "Also, Stark (Y/N) will require a new phone." he said, buttoning his jacket, you heard Tony shift a little "I just got hers classified! What happened?!" he hollered. Loki paused for a moment before shrugging "I think it got stolen or she lost it, she is just a mess." he said, making you frown "I'm a HOT mess excuse you" you said, leaning your head back. After a moment Thor, Nora, and Loki piled into the car and began driving home, luckily Thor wasn't too intoxicated, not that it mattered, he was a terrible driver. Loki was in the backseat beside you, his left arm around your shoulder as the other was used to scroll on his phone for a bit as you rested your head on his shoulder. 

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