9. Needing To Talk

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Thank you so much for 100 reads! I know it's not much but considering I didn't think anyone would read this its a lot to me! So to say thank you here's an extra chapter this week! Also I have stacks on stacks of chapters XD

A light tapping sound jerked you from your sleep, not enough to fully awaken, you kept your eyes close just wanting to sleep the pain away. Luckily, you didn't have to move, someone walked over to the door and opened it

"Hey, how is she?" Tony

"She's fine, still resting." Loki... Wait, Loki's in my room?

"Okay... Bring her to the lab when she wakes up, we're gonna talk about what happened and get her checked out." Tony said, causing all of the flashbacks to come darting back, causing tears to fall and a sob nearly escaped. You heard shifting for a moment before

"I'll bring her when she's ready and not a moment sooner," Loki said before shutting the door

"Yeah, take your time" Tony muttered at the door, although he meant it he didn't care about getting the door slammed in his face.

You bit your lip and inhaled, trying to get yourself together before Loki noticed you were awake, but it was too late. After a moment you had one arm around your waist and a hand raised, brushing your tears before being pulled to a warm, solid chest "You don't have to be awake yet if you don't want to be." he whispered, rubbing your back. You smiled and sniffled, half of you wants to blush, the other half wants to push him away but you just don't have the strength to do either. You nuzzled him "What time is it?"

"Doesn't matter"


"... Two-thirty in the afternoon." He wiped more tears from your face

"Jesus... What happened?"

"I was hoping you could tell me dove... What do you remember?" his hands stroking your cheek

"I... I remember being in the cell... And I remember..." you winced "My body is vibrating all over starting from my head... They shocked me." you said then opened your eyes and looked up with a smirk "You'd be proud I made him mad." he chuckled "What else?" he asked gingerly, seemingly trying to get a handle on you. You thought for a moment, just the electricity... a bit of being carried out... Oh!

"Your thome... It reappeared and glowed... I think you protected me." you said, smiling at him. He shook his head with a frown and held up your arm, uncovering the thome as it stayed "It's still here, these spells are a one-time use. You saved your own self." he said, lacing his fingers with yours. 

You stared at your arm and sat up "How?" you asked, looking at him, he sighed and sat up "That's what Stark wants to talk to you about" he said, looking you in the eye "But (Y/N) trust me, you DO NOT have to go out there until you're ready." he said. You blinked and shook your head, not tearing away from his eyes "I can't just sit here, Loki, you're scaring me" you said, trying to pull away, he scoffed and looked at you confused "How?" he asked, slightly angered. 

You blinked at him, nothing but invading your personal thoughts and torturous teacher lessons and NOW he's acting nice? And he doesn't see how that's scary?! You shook your head "Look I just need to-" you struggled to pull yourself away and stand by the bed, holding yourself "I just don't remember anything and I've not used to-" 

Loki stood up angrily "-Not used to what?!" he asked angrily, thinking he was the problem. You sniffled more "I just don't want to be touched! The guy kept f-feeling me a-and torturing me... I just don't want to be touched by a man right now..." you trailed off, crying again from fear. 

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