16. Girls Day

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You stared at him as he just stared forward, continuing to walk to your room in silence. You entered the room and set your books on your desk then walked to the cart "Heres everything the library had... Oh! And Fridays working on compiling a bunch of stuff for me" you explained. He nodded, setting his stack where you'd set yours "Lucky for you I actually enjoy reading" he said, you shook your head and hand "I'm not going to ask you to help me with any of this... If it's going to be a waste of time I'd rather it be my waste" you explained. 

He tilted his head, pocketing his hands, and walked over to you "First of all, you didn't ask the first time, and second you seem very sure that this is a waste of time" he said, you shrugged and walked over, wrapping your arms around his waist "Can't be disappointed if you're prepared" you said.

He wrapped one arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer, and rested his head on yours "You're ready to accept that you're wrong I mean. I think you're genuinely onto something... All of them do too." he explained, rubbing your back. You smiled just sitting there for a moment, enjoying how cool he felt pressed against you "I am tired though so I'm gonna turn in" you said before begrudgingly pulling away from him. 

He nodded then leaned down, taking your chin in his hand, he tilted your head up and kissed you gingerly, after a moment you kissed back, putting your hand on his face. The idea did flash by your head to ask him to stay the night as you stayed there, wrapped in each other's presence. He pulled back and rested his forehead against yours

"You only need to ask my dear," he said horsly

"..." you bit your lip "Loki... Do you want to stay here for the night?"

He smiled as his eyes met yours then inhaled to answer you


Then he teleported out.

You blinked a few times then sighed "Yeah I guess I brought that on myself." you said with a blush then went to the bed and curled up for the night.

A few days have come and gone, you're halfway through the cart of books by now. When you weren't training, eating, or in the lab, you were reading up on your theory, even some lab time turned into study hall from Tony and Bruce wanted to help. Loki, of course, helped when he had a moment, he had a certain schedule now and had to atone for his mistakes via whatever kind of detail they could throw at him.

You were in your room one afternoon, freshly back from a lab run of your teleportation powers, where you'd been most days now, just reading and taking notes on Sol and Mani. So far you're guessing you have one more power coming your way, thanks to Thor and Loki you know Sol and Mani didn't have actual chariots, Sol had the gift of flight by gliding on the sun's rays, as she protected the sun and Mani had the power to jump from star to star, as the cosmos themselves wanted her safe. Again, all a guess, but at this point, you took what you could get.

A knock pulled your attention "It's open!" you called, to which Wanda and Nat busted in "How could you?" Nat asked, staring comical daggers at you as Wanda attempted to look fake upset. You blinked "Probably easily, I'm amazing like that," you said "What are you talking about?" Nat stood by the bed you were sitting on as Wanda sat next to you "How could you not tell us it's your birthday?!" she asked.

You blinked and looked down at your phone, tapping the date "Oh shit it is..." you trailed with a shrug as Nat tilted her head "Yeah oh shit... Now get up, we're going shopping." she said. You shook your head "I appreciate it but I don't really celebrate-" Wanda and Nat yanked you up and took the book "Then let's celebrate you leaving the compound for the first time in a week" Nat said. 

You blinked, walking over to your dresser "A week really? When was the..." you trailed, remembering the mission where you got kidnapped. It'd been a week since you found out about Sol, it felt like months. You shook your head as Wanda walked over and hugged you "We're not going to think about that, we're gonna solve our problems with Tony's money." she said. You sighed a little "Does he at least know we have it?" you asked as you started pulling out clothes, Wanda comically still hugging you. 

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