2. The Job (2-3)

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Fury picked up the files "We're going to a SHIELD base where you can read him. You'll be in a separate room near him so you can minimize him but you won't be directly talking to him, take notes through the entire thing as to what he's thinking. We think if you can focus on just his thoughts and typing those out he should not be able to fool you. You nodded "And I'm assuming I'll be the only one that knows I'm there?" you asked, knowing that in order to keep this lovely constructed element of surprise. 

He nodded "Yes, however, if Loki realizes you're there and tries anything someone will be there to protect you." he explained, making you nod, you didn't want to get into the whole 'I'm a marine I can take care of myself' you knew this guy was dangerous, so naturally, you were scared. You also knew that since he's a mind reader that already wasn't a good thing, it could mean everything or nothing during a situation like this. However, you did surveillance before so you know how to keep calm in situations like these "Hoo-ah." you said on the exhale, making Nick chuckle "You'll do good." he said, nudging you before going back to the controls. 

Nat clicked a few buttons on her phone and held it to your ear "Bravo team, new Security equipment inbound for the interview, clear a broom closet with no vantage point. Should the subject turn hostile, protect that room at all costs." she said to which You stood "Wait, we're doing this NOW?" you asked, worried. Nick turned his head "Due to our advantage it has to be like this, we have to sneak you in then get out before he gets here." he explained. You huffed a little, crossing your arms and nodding, it wasn't ideal, but you knew things just had to be done this way, it's a REALLY sensitive situation. 

You cleared your throat "Um, does anyone have headphones I can put over these?" you asked, gesturing your earbuds "Music may help." you said simply. Nat nodded and opened up a cabinet, handing them to you as you started building a playlist on your phone of video game music, it's good to focus on because it was made to be background music. You smiled, feeling a bit more confident in yourself about this, trying to hype yourself up.

Once they got closer Nat wheeled out a dolly with a box "Unfortunately kid, you gotta get in here so we can wheel you in." she said, making you frown "Wow you guys REALLY don't want anyone knowing I'm here." you said, standing. Nick handed you a tablet "Once Loki is in his cell this'll turn on a camera view of him, this tablet also has access to an alarm, if you're worried he knows where you are just hit that button, okay?" he asked. 

You nodded then looked at the box and sighed, getting inside it, Nat handed you a box cutter "Cut your way out of the box with this" she said then glanced back at Fury and handed you a big knife "Cut your way out of other problems with this." she said, making you smile and blink "How Russian, thank you" you joked as Nat smiled and began taping up the box, double-checking the air holes and such. 

You huffed a little as you heard and felt the jet landing, then felt yourself being tilted back "Okay" you mouthed to yourself then bit your lip realizing you need to be quiet. You felt yourself being wheeled all the way across the tarmac, into the building, up the elevator, and into the room. Nat whispered 'Good luck in your head before shutting the door. After a moment when the door locked from the outside, you cut your way out and sat down on the floor. It was a small room but big enough that you could move around in. 

You found a strange comfort in how small it was, honestly. You crossed your legs on the floor and sat your tablet in your lap and your phone to the left, playing music on it and controlling your earbuds to just hear him. Stark just finished the Radius beta version, and from what you could tell it worked. You stopped to take some deep breaths, realizing this is somewhat of a lot at once. You stared at the blank screen waiting, realizing you should have asked her how long you'd need to wait. 

After a bit of the game music, you started making a quick queue of stuff to listen to, you bobbed your head to the beat of your chosen bit, after about 45 minutes a picture finally appeared on your screen, causing you to jump and switch back to the music you had on earlier and opened up a word doc, ready to go.

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