52. The Werewolf & The Beast

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You blushed a bit, Stephen was quite charming... you pulled out your phone, no signal, which was expected, but still a bummer. You pocketed it and kept eye around camp for several hours, almost nodding off a couple times but luckily it started raining after the first hour... Fun. After four hours you teleported down and tapped the tent door

'Stephen?' you thought gently 'Shift change'

He groaned softly to let you know he heard you then you looked around, yawning a bit as you looked around.


You snapped your head over and pulled out your pistol

'Stephen, I heard something' You thought before walking forward, aiming your gun at the noise as you crept forward. You heard rustling from the tent behind me as Stephen stepped out and stood next to you, gold rings lined his wrists as he readied to attack. You two walked a bit away from the camp, but it was still in sight. You glanced at him for a moment before another crack was heard, and a raccoon emerged from a bush.

 You slumped with a groan as Stephen chuckled "Very scary" he said "Hardy har, I'd rather be careful... Aww, what a cutie" you said then pulled out some of the apple slices you were munching on. The raccoon looked over at you as you waved it then threw it away from camp "Alright, your watch Doctor Supreme" you said, clapping a hand on his back as you turned. You gasped a little as you saw a wolf hanging out by the tent that seemed to dwarf "Stephen." you said, frozen, he turned and gasped as well

'I didn't know they had wolves in Columbia'

'They don't'

You carefully set down your sniper rifle, it would be no help at this close range. The wolf snapped its head over to you, seeming to examine you for a moment before growling and lowering its head at you. You puffed out your chest and stood upright 'Stephen, stand upright, you need to make yourself seem taller' you thought making him scoff aloud 'That thing is bigger than a truck, I don't think it's a normal wolf' he thought back, seeming to approach it. You went wide-eyed "Stephen, Stephen!" you whispered, trying to get him back to you as he slowly approached, the beast only growled more, its black eyes piercing through you. You stepped closer slowly, still just behind Stephen, trying to atleast be able to help him if need be.

'What are these two doing here?! Don't they know how dangerous it is here?!'

You gasped a little at the sudden intrusion of a soft delicate voice entering your mind, making Stephen turn to you "Stephen I just heard it... In my head..." you trailed, beginning to walk normally. The beast stopped growling and raised its head as though it just heard you

'Can... Can you hear me?'

You nodded "Can you understand me?" you asked, the wolf nodded the best it could, making you smile "Great... I'm (Y/N) and this is Stephen... I'm a mind reader." you said gently while kneeling a few feet away from her. You smiled gently as Stephen stopped behind you "Now I can read animals, but it's in their language... You know English, and really good English too." you said. The wolf whimpered a little before it stepped back from you "You're not a wolf are you?" you asked, looking at the wolf's eyes as they peered at you in relief.

'N-No... Please help me.'

You nodded "Okay..." you trailed then looked at Stephen and motioned him to sit down "She wants our help," you said then looked at her. Stephen looked at you "You can hear her? She's talking to you?" he asked, to which you nodded "Yes..." you trailed then glanced down to see she'd tried getting into your food storage. You held up the package of apples "Its not much but its better than the ration packets" you said, placing it in front of her. The wolf sniffed it for a moment before looking at you two then plopped down and devoured the apples.

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