56. Don't Hate Me

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The ground began to rumble and shake beneath you for a moment before you heard some machine come to a halt, and now some scientist yelling coming from the empty field. You sighed longly then stood up with a long exasperated groan "Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine." you continued to repeat as you walked towards the enemy,

'Another damn Hydra scientist with another damn machine trying to take over another damn city. Can't get five damn minutes to my damn self.'

You approached the scientist's machine, a giant drill or something that he stood atop of, yelling some nonsense about being ignored, you weren't listening. You teleported behind him "Hi there" you said then pinned him in five seconds "Ah!" he yelled as you sighed, "What are you doing? Digging to the center of the earth?" you asked dryly. He groaned and struggled against you "N-No! Why would I-" "-So you can flood the earth with lava and restart a world of machines?" you asked, making him freeze "What... How?" you sighed and picked him up, grabbing the remote he'd dropped and powering down the drill "Because you're the fourth person I've arrested trying to do this, lets go." you said, walking him down to the police that showed up. 

He seemed to mutter under his breath upset as SHIELD response teams enclosed and surrounded the vehicle "You think you're so smart? So clever! Well you JUST. WATCH! BERTIIIIIIIIIE!" he yelled as the police dragged him away. Suddenly the drill erupted in noises from the inside. The door slamming open as a slew of metal dogs came running out, going for people that still haven't vacated. You growled and flew over, tackling the dog to the ground, it viciously began growling and barking at you as you pinned its head down, "Discord" you said, summoning Sol's power to melt the robot with your heat. You looked up and around, there were way too many dogs! 

Shield response was trying but it was definitely more than you can handle.

 You ran at more dogs, trying to meltdown as many as you could with your touch "CALL FOR BACKUP!" you yelled to an agent after ripping a dog off her. You ran towards another, quickly losing control of this situation when from behind you came some majorly skillful violin playing. All at once, the dogs seemed to be lulled and stop their attack before shutting down, all of the screens where their eyes were had a little moon symbol. All the dogs slept, and you turned to the player with a grin. Nora stood there playing fervently as her eyes glowed black. As the hounds seemed to lull, she slowly stopped playing and panted as her eyes went back to normal.

 You glanced at an agent nearby "Start packing these up and take them to the compound, Warehouse 3" you said before jogging over to Nora with a big smile. She smiled back at you then went wide-eyed as she realized you were running at her in a full prideful sprint before you hugged her tightly, shaking her with you "Ahhhhhhh I'M SO PROUD OF YOUUUUU!" you yelled with a squee then pulled back with worry "Are you okay though?" you asked. 

She smiled and nodded, seemingly a bit tired, the spells seemed to take a bit out of her "Yeah Yeah I just... Wow" she said in surprise as she looked over at the dogs. You hugged her again with a big smile, only breaking as you heard someone land next to you "What happened? Are you both okay?" Stark asked through his suite. You nodded "Hell yeah we're okay! Nora used to lullaby on all the dogs! Theres like 100 of these things!" you gushed as Nora fiddled with the violin shyly. Tony looked around "Good work both of you, but Nora you need to be careful with your powers" he said sternly. You furrowed your brow "Tony, what the hell? She did great! Yeah, she's not... licensed yet but-"

You jumped as something shot you in the neck "Ah!" you exclaimed then pulled out a dart, as Nora did too "What the hell?" Tony said then turned to the scientist. He stood there with a gun as his watch beeped in an all too familiar tone, his eyes blackened over "What the hell... Did he..." Nora trailed off as your world suddenly became very dizzy. You heard the thump of Nora falling beside you but couldn't focus both held your heads "Girls, talk to me!" Tony exclaimed, kneeling down and opening his mask "Dizzying visior... slurred shpeesh" you worked out before officially collapsing on the ground. Your body began to ache again "Shilver?" Nora asked, you shook your head "Nur 'ilver ak oo ik" (No silver makes you sick) you slurred feeling the ground shake beneath you with Thor's landing before you blacked out.

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