33. The Roundtable

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You blinked and looked around with a sigh, back in this weird dream void, but this time across the way you saw the girl in the meteor sitting there, wrapped in Thor's cape looking very confused and startled. She went wide-eyed at you "A-Alina? Alina Wilders?" she asked, making you tilt your head "You called me that before. Thats not my name..." you trailed, she blinked at you a moment then tilted her own head "Wait... (Y/N)?" she asked, to which you smiled "Now thats my name." you said, pointing at her. She blinked "Wait wait... I'm in the MCU?" she asked, looking around the void area then down at what she was wearing "Ah! I'm naked under here!" she exclaimed, trying to cover herself. 

You nodded "Oh yeah, sorry sometimes they burn the clothes off, Thor loaned you his robe," you said, she only flushed and stood up "Wait, Thor saw me naked?!" you bit your lip "I'm... I'm sorry I'm terrible at this, I just don't know what to say." you answered, rubbing the back of your head "But you should sit down and take a few deep breaths." you encouraged her. She watched you for a moment before slowly sitting, pulling the robe over herself more as you smiled 

"Well first, this is sort of... Like a dream meeting room. Try and imagine yourself wearing some clothes." you said, gesturing your body like hers. She tucked her lips in then closed her eyes, the robe around her turning into a comfortable basketball cut shirt with some jeans and converse. You smiled and nodded "Very nice, woman after my own heart~" you cooed flirtily as she blushed, tucking some of her purple hair behind her ear "You look nice too..." she trailed off shyly and you had to smile.

'So cute!' you thought

You looked to the side as a scene began to assemble around the two of you, turning into a scene of your kitchen where you two sat across from each other, with a cup of tea in each hand. You jumped as Sol phased next to you and the girl jumped as Mani phased beside her, both women radiating in that flickering aura where they were shaped like women but flowed like their respective titles, Sol like fire, Mani like space.

You blinked as everyone seemed to sit, looking at each other awkwardly "Okay." the human said before sitting up, placing her hands on the table "If no ones going to start, I will" she said then inhaled.

"Where the fuck am I? Why am I here with (Y/N) from my movies? Who the fuck are you two?!" she asked, getting more and more frustrated as she went on and you bit your lip, this must be what Sol went through the first time you two talked. This was going to be a long sleep.

You continuously rubbed the poor girls back, you and Mani had traded places so you could comfort her. You had caught her up on everything and she was clearly overwhelmed by everything. "I can't even begin to understand what you're going through right now." you whispered as she cried into your shoulder. Apparently, Mani had not even approached the girl about taking her, she had simply just... TAKEN THIS POOR GIRL FROM HER HOME! You glared at the god as she crossed her arms "I don't understand-" Sol hushed her "Of course you don't! So hush!" she hissed, making Mani look away, intimidated by the flames of her sister. 

You blinked and looked at Sol "Theres... No way she can go home?" you asked, to which Sol shook her head "Not as far as I know." she answered honestly. You shook your head, resting your head atop her head as she started breathing to try and calm down "I'm so sorry you called pulled into this... I'm sorry, whats your name?" you asked, pulling away and tilting her head up. You sniffled a little "Its Nora..." she trailed, making you smile "I know this is scary Nora, and this all feels so overwhelming you feel like you could cry for eons... But unfortunately theres more." you said. 

She sniffled and wiped her eye "I know about Skoll and Hati's resurrection already if thats what you're talking about" she said, making you go wide eyed and looked at Sol as she looked at Mani, also surprised. Mani shrugged "I managed to find her for my vessel... Fortunately in her universe all of this world is only a movie series... One that she's well accompanied with" she said, pointing at her inner arm. Nora raised her inner arm to show a Thor tattoo with a hammer and ribbon that said 'Still worthy' on it, which you grabbed her arm and tilted your head "Amazing... Thor's hammer, I've only ever known him with the axe." you murmured.

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