8. Sol

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'Cold.' you thought before your eyes could be bothered to peel back the lids to see jail bars. All at once, the cold metal that held your body down, the stone floor below you, and the chittering of people running around and yelling in Russian hit your senses. You looked around, wincing as you looked up, your arms were chained to the ceiling straight above you, your legs dangling under their own weight. The coat you had been wearing was stripped away, along with your shoes.

You glanced around the cell seeing surgeon-like instruments, a bucket of water with a towel, and other pain-inducing items, making you stare forward. You knew what was going to happen when they walked into the cell, you also knew, for a fact, that they could take that information out of your cold dead hands. You assessed what you did have, the clothes on your back, and judging by the cool sensation tickling your ear canals, you didn't have your earbuds either...

'Why can't I hear anyone's thoughts then?' you thought with an arched brow then shook your head, figure it out later. You reflected back to training, being told that if you're caught in this sort of situation it's best to dissociate, so you breathed and started allowing yourself to drift away from the situation, feeling your body was not your own like you were a third party. You didn't even blink as a hydra agent and a doctor rounded the corner with a smile "Hello lovely" he said then saw the glazed over look and frowned "Now now, can't have you fading away when I have so many questions" he said while opening the jail door.

You said nothing as they began to set up, the doctor pulled out a quick injection needle 'Fuck. This is gonna suck' you thought, realizing it was an adrenaline needle. With a swift movement, he injected it into your chest, causing your daydream to come crashing down, as you came back trying not to scream, you weren't going to give them that, no way in hell were you going to allow that.

You glared at the man who spoke as he chuckled "Good, good, now I've got several more of those so we could keep going until your little heart gives out if you prefer." he said, poking your heart, earning a glare from you "As you're still here I'll take that as an acceptance. For YOUR sake." he said, poking your nose at 'Your'. You continued to glare the adrenaline still coursing through your body

"Now. What on earth were you doing out in the cold in this?" he asked, slightly tugging on the hem of your jeans.

You stared, refusing to answer anything they had

"Nothing? No 'I was on a skiing trip? No? Well, no matter, we've heard it all, so if anything I appreciate your honesty." he said with a grin, gesturing to the doctor who began messing with some equipment.

The interrogator walked around, grabbing a fist full of your hair, and yanked your head back, earning a stifled groan from you. All too quickly the Doctor placed a wet rag on your face and all at once there was water gushing past your face, and into your orifices forcefully, your body trembled with the sensation but any yelling you tried just made it worse. You weren't trained to withstand this, so the sensation overflooded you, unable to hold back chokes and groans "Stop!" the interrogator said, pulling away from the bucket. You panted a little, gasping for breath as your senses were still on fire

"Okay, how about this, I watched you take out three of my men. Now I see you fight them easily, and I think 'Wow, they are either really bad men, or is REALLY GOOD girl' and as the scientists have informed me, apparently; was very good men" he explained, squeezing the water out of the towel as the Doctor refilled the bucket, and you prepped yourself for another round.

He walked back over "So tell me, my little snow owl, how are you such a good girl?" he asked, tracing the lining of your shirt where your breasts heaved with your deep breathes.

You laughed a little "I drink my Ovaltine, eat my veggies and get eight hours of sleep a night" you worked out, glaring at him. He nodded a little as though he were absorbing the information as he walked behind you, being smart you inhaled and held a breath before the rag came again with the water. It was a little easier to withstand because you were prepared but fun fact; At the angle you're at, holding your breath does nothing.

She Burns (LokiXReader)Where stories live. Discover now