5. For Science!

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Your chest panged as you slammed against the door, one arm pinned by your body, the other pinned behind your back by Loki. You gasped a little, trying to struggle as he chuckled and leaned into your ear "I do not care to be dragged in to your problems, and should this happen again... I will DRAG you into mine. And I can ensure you, you will be twice as exhausted, sore, and breathless as you were today" he hissed before teleporting away, making you fall.

You huffed and turned, holding yourself a little as your face flushed "I knew this stupid kink was gonna get me killed." you murmured, fanning yourself a bit. You shook your head and held your knees "Well... Atleast I made a wall." you said, a little proud of yourself. You huffed and sat for a moment just breathing then stood and began to unpack your bag, mostly just trying to get everything in its place.

Eventually there came a knock at your door, you stood up, tempted to ask who it was but realized that Loki would have just teleported in. You sighed and finished folding your clothes "Its open!" you called, Tony walked in a minute later "Hey, got a sec, Banner and I wanted to do some readings." he asked. You nodded and sighed "Yeah, sounds good" you said, to which Tony turned his head and stepped in more "Everything okay?" he asked.

 You nodded then set down your clothes in the dresser "Nothing... Just my earpiece died before I could switch them out and it got to me." you said with a shrug. He nodded "Understandable, just get there when you can" he said, giving you a wave before shutting the door. You smiled and stretched a bit, hugging your stomach in the sweater as you sat on the bed, just appreciating silence for the few times you could enjoy it.

After a bit you stood and began heading down the wall, catching a glimpse of Tony poking his head in another room "Soon as you can get there Reindeer Games" he said sarcastically before shutting the door and walking away. You arched a brow at him and shrugged it off, continuing down the hall. You stopped at the dent once more and turned down to the common area, it was about 11 now, so more people were walking around. You smiled and waved a bit as Wanda watched Peter and Nat play some co op running game, and Nat was winning.

You chuckled and grabbed a soda out of the fridge before walking down the steps to the hall. As you made contact with the dent again you'd spotted Loki at the end of the hall, he stopped at the site of you and smirked, making the images from earlier flash back into your mind for a moment before gasping. You looked down and headed towards him, mostly because you had to in order to get to the lab "Where are you headed darling?" Loki asked as he walked in front of you, looking at you though "Stark's Lab, they're helping me today" you explained.

Loki clicked his tongue "Ah, is that why you're still here? You're becoming an Avenger?" he asked, making you shake your head "Nope, he's helping me work on psychokinetic stuff." you said, quickening the pace a bit. Loki furrowed a brow and matched your pace easily "Darling, after yesterday I think we can both agree you needn't any help" he assured you easily. You shook your head "No, I still don't know how to control it... Yesterday, I knew I was going to overcompensate because I was upset, and I used that against you. I can't control it, I just used the fact that I couldn't control it against you." you explained, going to a light jog trying to get away from him.

He chuckled and turned, jogging beside you "You're really going to be interesting to have around here." he said, matching you once again.

You stopped for a moment glared at him, as he stopped, shooting you a grin. You inhaled deeply before you both started to just run down the hall to where Stark's lab was, following glimpses of signs as you and Loki essentially raced to the lab. As you screeched around the corner and started running into the lab they both screeched to a halt in front of the doorway panting like crazy, neither of them wanting to just run into a laboratory.

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