3. Meeting The Team (2-2)

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Italics is (Y/N)

Bold is Loki

Thor shook your hand, going to do the over-enthused handshake he does but you weren't having any of that, you used your own force to make it a normal one. Thor chuckled and pointed with his hand "You and I will definitely need to spar" he said, you shook your head "Oh no, I haven't done hand to hand combat since I left, I just keep myself in shape" you dismissed, though you did smile at him.

'Mmm that you do.'

You shivered a little, feeling his eyes on you 'Out.' you thought "If you are up for it, you know where to find me." Thor said. Fury began to explain why I was here and the prophecy and such, but you knew this and were dealing with a pest control problem.

'I know you're still here. Leave. Or at least tame your thoughts.' you thought

'Make me.'

You glanced at him to see him listening intently as Fury talked about the plan with you. He seemed to be paying attention to Fury, God of Mischief has a poker face it seems.

'Loki, I mean it, I have other powers.'

'Ohhh, is that supposed to scare me? If you want to understand your powers you need to take control.'

'Loki. Shut up, I mean it.' you thought, holding your head as you were getting a killer headache.

'Yes, I'm a right pest aren't I? And how are you going to make me stop?' he egged, unable to hide a smirk.

'Last warning, gimp' you hissed, rubbing your temples.

'Last warning or what? Perhaps I should fantasize about having you in my bed-'

Fury and Loki were both cut off in conversation when Loki all of the sudden flew backward into the wall... At the end of the hallway. You gasped and covered your mouth fakely"I don't- I'm sorry, I don't have control over it yet!" you said, beginning to run over in some form of worry. In reality, you wanted to see his face when he was being cradled in concrete.

--Loki's POV--


I thought for a moment before blinking, realizing I was looking at the floor, a different floor than the one he'd been standing on. He looked up to see he was now about 30 feet away from where he was before and groaned.

'Did that... Did that Midguardian wench do this to me?' he thought as he watched her run over to him with Thor and a guard.

She skitted to a stop in front of him as he looked up at her, expecting a smug grin, he saw her look worried and furrowed his brow "I'm sorry, I just meant to trip you, I thought I was getting better!" she said. He smirked at her as she laughed in her head

'Sorry about that, new powers and all, I have a hard time controlling my feelings' she thought sarcastically at him. She knew exactly what she did.

'This woman...'

'You are going to be the first entertaining toy I've had in a year' he projected as Thor pulled him out, not breaking eye contact.

"That's quite alright darling, I didn't mean to intrude on your private thoughts... but I'd love to be welcomed in some time," he whispered with a wink causing her to look away. Her freckled cheeks flushed and she looked away, trying not to meet my eyes. A shame though, she'd stopped projecting, no matter, he'd have his fun another day.

--(Y/N)'s POV--

After Thor pulled him out, you shut him out, essentially ignoring him as Nat walked up "Hey, what was that about?" she asked knowing better. You rolled your eyes "Heard him say something about my rear... I got a bit mad" you said defensively, making Nat chortle a bit.

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