24. A Break

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"..." you trailed for a moment before biting your lip and nodding "Okay... I think I can do something for your mental state. Go to your room, don't come out until I come back to tell the servant to lock your room down," he explained. You nodded then teleported to your room alone, curious about what he was even talking about, then looked up "F.R.I.D.A.Y. lock down my room." you said, to which she basically reinforced the door.

 You sighed a little and went to your bed, going to sit with your back against the headboard and hugging your knees. As you sat you thought back on the few times you and Pierre interacted, it had to be like two or three times max that you actually talked, he was very quiet, but he was always polite. When you went to see Loki, he greeted you warmly, held doors open for you two, gave you and Loki your space, and never said anything. He was never rude or judgmental, he was just a sweet man... So why?

You teared up a little bit with a sniffle before a beep came 'Miss (L/N) Loki and Director Fury are at the door' she said, before you could let them in you heard Loki

'Don't answer the door, talk through the screen but don't turn yours on.'

You arched a brow

'Wait, like the door cam?'

You walked over to the little screen by the door and turned on the outside cam "(Y/N) you need to open the door" Fury said sternly, but not mad. You bit your lip again, hand hesitating for the lockdown button as you wanted to trust Loki. Loki stepped forward "If I may?" he asked before leaning down "(Y/N) darling it's me, Director Fury just wants to talk to you. It's just us two." he said gently.

'Now open it'

You turned off the reinforce and backed up before the door opened again as they stepped in. You eyed the both of them before Fury looked at Loki "May she and I have some privacy?" he asked sarcastically to which Loki looked to you "Darling?" he asked as though asking you. You looked Fury up and down, then nodded "Yeah." you said before pulling one of your chairs out for him before sitting on the bed. 

Fury sat down in the chair across from you "I'm sorry to report that Pierre hit a branch and snapped his neck on the way down. He was dead when we found him." he said, to which you exhaled and nodded "Shit." you said, copying your reaction from earlier, holding your hand on your head "I swear Fury I thought he'd be okay" you said. 

He shook his head "Well he wasn't. Stop trying to excuse your mistakes like a child and take responsibility for them instead like the Avenger you now are. I'm not a superior scolding you, we are on the same team now." he explained, and he was completely right. You nodded, biting your lip, that hurt but it needed to be said. 

You inhaled "Did we learn anything from what he had?" you asked, he shook his head "It's only been a couple of hours, my people are still on it... But I suspect that it was Hydra" he said. You tilted your head "Why would Hydra care about me?" you asked as Fury crossed his legs and leaned back "Because they radio'd about a red-headed woman with Stark technology in her ears wearing a tank top and shorts, and when headquarters showed up Shield was shoveling out the bodies and base" he said simply. 

You inhaled through your teeth and sighed "I really... I don't know why I didn't see that coming." you said, shaking your head as if it wasn't so obvious. He chuckled "Kid, I've been running this for years and I didn't know my best friend was going to betray me and almost get me killed." he said, making you laugh with him. He inhaled a little "Listen, I know you're healed up and stuff but... In the interest of getting to the bottom of this I've decided to send you away for a couple of days." he said, to which you furrowed your brows 

"What? Fury I don't need a vacation- ''

''-And it won't be." he assured you 

"I'd be sending you back to your cabin, yes but you would be with... There are three bedrooms in there?-" 

She Burns (LokiXReader)Where stories live. Discover now