4. Suffer With Me (1-2)

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The Next day

Your eyes fluttered slightly before you fully opened them, and blinked, you sat up and looked around "When did I..." you trailed, going to touch your head when you remembered what had happened. You bit your lip "Oh no... Oh please tell me he didn't hear that." you said, holding a hand over your mouth, hair pulling was a personal favorite of yours in bed, you thought without remembering that there were two mind-readers now.

You froze for a moment then knelt on the bed and held your hands out "Okay... Okay, there's a chance he didn't get that right? There's an... Itty bitty chance?" you asked yourself then facepalmed, sinking slightly "There is absolutely no chance he didn't hear that..." you trailed, knowing he'd heard, remembering his deep laugh. You groaned for a minute then sat up in a huff "Not much good sitting around in here will do." you said then looked at your watch, 7:39 AM, considering it was 5 in the afternoon when you went into a sleep, you elected to stay up.

You showered and dressed in some black jeggings and a green baggy sweater, comfortable clothes for you. You stepped out and looked around a bit, jumping at the site of a guard by your door "Oh! Uh... Hi... Common room?" you asked, making him only nudge his head and walk in a direction, 'I guess I'm following him?' you thought then slowly began following him until they got to the common room from yesterday.

You looked down the hall, wincing as you saw the indent Loki -ahem- you had left yesterday, and walked into the area. It was a lived-in area with couches, a big bean bag chair a big TV, windows that showed the Avengers Compound, and a lovely looking kitchen "Thank you" you said to the guard who nodded and stood at the entranceway. You blinked a little then sighed in realization "Oh... You're guarding me aren't you?" you asked, to which he nodded "You're to be guarded from 11:00 at night to 8 am" he said and stepped outside so he was just outside the common area.

You sighed and looked at the kitchen "Breakfast it is then." you said then walked over and began cooking some Bacon, eggs, and sausage gravy. It was another comfort food of yours, just throw it all in a bowl and you're happy. As you worked you heard three enter and turned "Ah, Good morning Steve and... Sam and Bucky right?" you asked the three who nodded. Sam rounded the corner "Yeah yeah I'm Bucky now what is that heavenly smell?" he asked coming over to watch you cook "It's just breakfast soup" you said gesturing him to sit down "Go ahead, sit down and wait I made too much anyway" you said, tossing the bacon in the pan.

Sam made a 'yes! Thank you' motion then sat down at the island with Steve and Bucky "Before I forget since you'll be here we go on runs every morning (Y/N), you're welcome to join us." Steve offered. (Y/N) turned and arched a brow "As nice as a morning run sounds, I don't think I can" you said, gesturing to the guard "I seem to have very limited access for the time being" he said. Steve leaned over and shook his head "I'm sure they'll let you go jogging with two Super Soldiers and the Falcon." he said, making you chuckle as you turned.

You felt eyes on you, but you couldn't hear anything, and while the eyes are not appreciated, you couldn't hear whatever inappropriate things they were thinking and just decided to let it go. You continued to cook pouting the eggs and bacon into bowls and putting the gravy in a bowl to the side, serving the boys. You sat across from them "So, Fury says you read minds?" Sam asked matter of fact, causing Bucky to choke on his drink "What?" he asked, making Steve look at him

"Yeah, that's what Fury was saying earlier Psychic and psycho-psychi-'' you laughed "Psychokinetic, I can sort of move things with my mind," you explained as Bucky nodded and looked away. (Y/N) smiled "Although, when I'm not working Tony whipped up these earbuds for me, so right now I can't" you explained, which seemed to cause him to relax. 

You frowned a little, hoping he was okay, he seemed to carry a bit in those shoulders of his. You turned your head hearing a satisfied groan from Sam "Oh god she candied the bacon Jesus... I'm gonna need another run after this." he said, making you laugh a bit "I'll take that as a compliment" you said.

Steve nodded "It definitely is... Also, I think you can do more than 'Sort of move things' with your mind," he said, pointing at the wall that Loki embedded yesterday. You blushed a little, realizing you let your anger get the best of you "Yeah... Sorry." you said with a murmur. 

Steve shook his head "Don't ever apologize, I'd pay to see that once a week" he said with a laugh as Sam nodded "Tony may get that framed" he added, making you blush a bit as Bucky murmured something about it being kinda hot. You giggled and finished up your food when you heard

"BEEP BEEP Battery low" in your ear.

Her eyes widened, you'd left them in all night without charging them, and stood "I uh, I need to change out my earbuds real quick." she explained. Steve nodded "Go ahead, we'll take care of dishes," he said, you smiled and waved as you stepped outside. You looked around for the guard, who was gone "Right, it's past 8... I need to get to my room to switch out." you murmured and began jogging down the hall and left.

"BEEP BEEP Battery low," it said again, only a moment later, you cursed, you had to get to the new set before these died. You skidded to a stop and turned around a bit "Shit was it... No, it was down here." you said then began jogging down the hall looking for your door, but ended at the hall. You cursed and began running back, this complex was huge and your door wasn't marked just yet.

BEEP BEEP Battery Critical. You cursed, beginning to panic as you ran back down the hall you'd said not to turn at "Here! It's down here!" you exclaimed, skidding to make a turn and smiled seeing your door, making a beeline for it. You grabbed the handle

"BEEP BEEP Battery Depleted."

You fell to your knees all at once an entire MILITARY facilities thoughts began flooding into your head that congealed into this awful noise. You looked up pained and opened the door, falling to the ground as it swung with your weight. The noise vibrated throughout your body, you could barely move properly, all you could bring yourself to do was clutch your head, closing your eyes, like a child as tears streamed down your face.

'This is unbearable, how stupid of me to forget!' you thought then snapped your eyes open

'Wait... Loki!' you called trying to project your mind. Your body shook as your brain couldn't process what it was getting, you couldn't move, you needed help!

'I'm sorry dear, but I've been told explicitly by you that you are not to be disturbed when in your room' his voice rang clearly over everyone, creating a nice calm moment

You clenched your teeth together, hissing at him 'Loki, please... I need you to come here'  you thought oat him, whimpering as the sounds rose back up.

'Ooo telling a man to PLEASE come to you... How naughty. '

You groaned, trying to crawl as you seemed eons away from your bed 'Loki seriously, I'm so overwhelmed... I'm going to pass out.'

'Overwhelmed by what, dear girl? Oh... Does this have something to do with what you thought last night before you slept?' you frowned, breathing heavily for a moment

'That's it if I'm suffering, so are you!' you thought then focused hard on yesterday, going into his mind by chasing the echoes of his thoughts and project every. Single. Overwhelming. Whisper. To him.

She Burns (LokiXReader)Where stories live. Discover now