Playing with Mama's weapons

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Age: 6
Warnings: none
Word count: 942

Natasha frantically searched through her bag looking for her gun. She couldn't possibly have misplaced it. She always had that gun near her. She had others, but this particular gun was her favorite. The way it felt in her hands, the way it shot it's bullets. Maybe she accidentally left it in the meeting room when they were being debriefed for a mission last week. She walked into the meeting room to find Tony working on paper work of some kind.

"Tony, have you seen my gun?" He didn't look up from his paper work and completely ignored her for a while.

"No." He was finally answered. Natasha rolled her eyes and went back to the gym where her bag was. Natasha had a little area set up for you to play while she trained. A little pink blanket covered the floor with some of your favorite toys. She looked over at you only to find you missing.

"Y/N?" She called. You never wander off. Your always attached to your mama's side. Natasha remembered watching you play with your toys while she was looking through her bag for her gun. Maybe if she looked closer, paid more attention, she would have noticed it was not your toys you were playing with, but your mama's gun. Her stomach turned at the thought of you playing with the gun, hoping to God you wouldn't be able to figure out how to turn the safety off. She went to the kitchen, looking for you only to find Clint making a sandwich.

"Help me find Y/N." Natasha's voice cracked when asking Clint. Tony walked into the kitchen, noticing the tension.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he opened the fridge.

"I can't find Y/N." Natasha said quickly. "I think she has my gun."

"What?!" Clint slammed his sandwich down as Tony immediately closed the fridge and they all went their separate ways, looking for you.


Meanwhile, you were outside with your mama's gun, holding it up and pretending to be your mama.

"Not so fast!" You giggled as you imagined a bad guy running away from you.

You aim the gun at one of Clint's targets and tried to pull the trigger but nothing happens. It refused to pull or maybe you were just too weak. You tried again, still nothing happened. You loosely hold the gun in your hands, turning it, trying to figure out how to make it work when suddenly your little fingers glide across a button.

You press the button and it clicks.

Placing your finger on the trigger, not aiming at anything specific, you pull it, hoping that the gun will work.

You jump as a sudden loud bang from the gun goes off and the sound of glass shattering.

Natasha comes running outside with Clint and Tony right behind her

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Natasha comes running outside with Clint and Tony right behind her. Tony and Clint look at the shattered window in disbelief.

"Come on man, I just fixed this." Tony said. Clint gave him a sly smile.

Natasha paid no attention to the window or to Tony's comment. She immediately stormed over to you, grabbed the gun out of your hands and took you by the arm. She angrily drags you across the compound to her bedroom. Natasha slams the door behind you, her brows so furrowed you know she's mad.

"Mama, what did-" She stoped you mid sentence as she picks you up and lays you down on her lap. She pulled your pants down exposing your bare butt. You watch her arm raise and lower as her hand made contact to your bare skin.

"Mama, stop!" You cried. "Stop it mama!" You tried to wiggle your way out of her grip but she continued.

"Don't you dare ever do that again!" She yelled. She spanked you again as you scream and cry in pain.

"Mama!" You squealed. She continued to spank you five more times before pulling up your pants and sitting you on her lap. Your face was red and your eyes bloodshot from all your tears.

"Baby do you know why your in trouble?" Natasha asked in a calm but shaken voice. You shook your head, refusing to look up at your mama. She took her hand and caressed your cheek, her thumb wiping away your tears.

"Look at me Angel." She said softly. You shook your head, still refusing to look. Natasha suddenly felt hatred towards herself. How could she ever hurt her pride and joy, the only thing keeping her alive. She took your chin in her hand and lifted your face so you were making eye contact with her. Her bright green eyes became glossy but she tried to keep her tears at bay.

"I'm sorry Angel, I shouldn't have hit you." Natasha said stroking your hair. "You scared me to death. You shouldn't be playing with guns, they're dangerous. You could have gotten hurt."

"But I saw you playing with it and I want to be just like you, mama." You said between your heavy breaths and cries. Natasha gave you a small smile and kissed your forehead.

"I know baby." Natasha felt warmth in her heart, knowing that her baby girl wants to be like her. "But your too young, those aren't toys made for kids, they are weapons that can kill someone in a split second."

Natasha guides your head to her chest, stroking your hair, trying to calm you down. Your breathing is heavy from crying but as you listen to your mama's heart beat, you start to relax.

"I love you, ангел." (Angel) Natasha whispers.

"I love you too, mama."

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