
13.3K 193 21

Age: 15
Warning: Blood, mention of self harming, etc.
Word count: 748

Tiktok: Whistlelyss

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Tiktok: Whistlelyss

Nat's POV:
I was doing a small load of laundry and decided to grab some of Y/n's clothes to add to the load. I happened to pick up a white long sleeve shirt of hers that had blood stains on it, horizontal at the end of her sleeve. My heart felt like it just dropped and left my body. I didn't know what to do or how to react to this. Was it what I thought it was?

"Shit." I whispered to myself.

"What's wrong?" Steve asked, as he stood, leaning against the doorway. He took me by surprise, especially since I thought I was alone.

"Nothing." I said quickly, throwing the shirt into the wash along with the rest of the laundry. Steve came up and sat down in a chair across from me.

"Somethings wrong." He said. I'm good at hiding my emotions, but when it came to my daughter, I just couldn't. She kept me humane.

"I think Y/n is hurting herself." I said in an almost whisper, my voice trembling and breaking. Steve looked worried and concerned but shook his head.

"There's no way, that sweet innocent girl?" He continued to shake his head. "I don't believe it."

I wish I could say I don't believe it, but the evidence is right in front of me tumbling around in the washing machine. If no one believed it, who would help her?

"I have to talk to her." I said getting up and walking to Y/n's room. My heart was pounding, I was scared for her, or maybe her answer, or maybe the truth. I wasn't sure.

Y/n's POV:
I was doing homework when I heard a quiet knock on my door.

"Yes?" I asked and the door opened to reveal my mom.

She gave me a sweet smile but behind her smile I could tell something was wrong. I didn't really want to ask what was wrong, I was finally feeling good today and I wanted to keep it that way for as long as possible. Just something about today put me in a good mood.

"Hey, baby." She started as she closed my door behind her. "Can we talk for a minute?"

I immediately knew this conversation was going to change my mood for the worst.

"...Yeah..." I hesitated.

"Are you hurting yourself?" She asked quickly, raising her eyebrow and giving me a worried look.

"What!? No!" I said, defensively. I could tell she knew I was lying. I've never lied to her, and if I did, I immediately regret it and say the truth. But I couldn't let her know the truth, she would be crushed.

She took a deep breath in, holding her breath for a while before slowly letting it out.

"Let me see your wrists." She said, almost as a question but I knew it was an order.

"No!" I yelled, trying to keep myself from tearing up. She seemed taken aback by my response as I very rarely raise my voice. She forcefully grabbed my arm and rolled up my sleeve.

"Y/n..." she cried. She sat down on my bed and held out her hand to me. I didn't take it, I just stood there watching her sob. She looked up at me, her eyes glossy and filled with tears, each one falling down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry mama." I cried, she held her hand out again and I took it as she brought me into a long hug.

She stroked my hair and held me close to her. I could feel her tears dripping onto my face but I didn't care. I knew I hurt her, I knew she was beating herself up, thinking it was her fault. I wish I could tell her why and she'd understand but I don't think she ever would, or if anyone would understand. It's almost as if I feel nothing, but at the same time, I feel everything. I just want it to end, I don't want to die, but I don't want to live. It's confusing me, but if I ever explained it I don't think I'd explain it correctly.

"It's gonna get easier, моя любовь." (My love) She whispered in my ear before giving me a soft kiss on the forehead. She gave me a slight smile and I smiled back. I hoped so hard she was right.

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