Meeting the family

3.6K 132 11

Age: 8
Warnings: 2374
Word Count: none

Requested by me :)

Natasha knelt down beside your bed, softly stroking the back of your head to coax you awake. A gentle smile formed on her lips as you let out a soft groan, nuzzling your face deeper into your pillow.

"It's time to wake up, моя любовь." Natasha whispered, pressing her lips against your scalp. She inhaled your strawberry sent, feeling a pang of guilt for waking you so early in the morning.

You replied with another groan, though your eyes fluttered open to be met with a pair of green orbs–identical to your own.

"Good morning." Natasha smiled, continuing her soft strokes down the back of your head.

You smiled up at her, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you let your body stretch out. "Good morning mama."

Natasha had to fight back the urge to 'awe' at the cuteness overload, proving it hard as she ended up in bed beside you. She made sure to keep an eye on the time as the two of you enjoyed your early morning cuddles.

Ten whole minutes–that was a steal!

Natasha climbed out of bed, leaving you shivering without the warmth of your mother's arms. You sat there with a little pout as you pondered going back to sleep.

Though before you were able to get comfy underneath your blankets, the snap of your mother's fingers jolted you wide awake. "Come on, big girl, you need to get up."

You replied with a groan, though obligated anyway as you climbed out of bed lazily. Your mother gave you an appreciative smile before opening your small suitcase that was packed the night before, double checking to make sure everything was packed.

"You have your teddy?" Natasha asked, glancing over at you as it wasn't in the suitcase.

You frowned, looking underneath your pile of blankets before pulling out your teddy bear and holding it up by it's leg. "Found him!"

She smiled at you. "Good, give him to me so you don't forget him."

"No, I wanna hold him on the plane." You whined.

"Okay, I'll put him in the carry on bag." She offered, zipping up your suitcase and taking the teddy from your grip. "Do you need to go potty?"


Your mother raised a brow. "You should try."

"Fine." You sighed, slipping into the bathroom and closing the door behind you.

Natasha took advantage of your time in the bathroom to double check each bag that was packed, paranoid that she was forgetting something.

She made sure that both her passport and yours were packed and within reach–realizing she'd be too preoccupied with you and the luggage to go digging for them. She had made sure to put your teddy bear in the small carry on bag that contained items to entertain you during the ten hour flight–mainly your iPad that you always seemed glued to.

"Mommy, I'm tired." You whined, walking into the foyer where your mother stood with the luggage. She already had a light pink windbreaker in her arms, holding it open for you to put on.

"I know, детка." Natasha sighed. "You can sleep in the car and on the plane."

You nodded, shoving your arms through the sleeves before your mother placed a quick kiss on your messy red hair.

Natasha hoisted the carry on bag over her shoulder while grabbing both suitcases. "You ready to meet your family?"

You smiled widely. "I can't wait!"

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