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Age: 17
Word count: 1005
Warnings: alcohol, drugs, sexual harassment, etc.

Age: 17Word count: 1005Warnings: alcohol, drugs, sexual harassment, etc

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Y/n's POV:
I was invited to a party for the very first time. I haven't had much luck in school with making friends and all, mostly because I had to come up with an alternate life. My moms idea. She says it'll keep me safe if no one knew she was my mom. But honestly if the girls knew she was my mom, I probably wouldn't be bullied as much.

I had a feeling I was invited as a dare and that someone was going to play a prank on me during the party, but I wanted to go anyway. Needed to go. I can't stand how I'm always cooped up in the compound, expected to be on my best behavior.

It was almost 9:30 when I exited my bedroom through the window. My bedroom was high off the ground but I had tied all my bedsheets together and used my strength to lower myself to the ground.

Once I showed up to the party, I was waved over by some girls I didn't know and was handed a drink. I was hesitant at first but thought what the hell and quickly downed it.

The girls in school who usually bullied me, actually hung out with me and were being nice. I still had a slight feeling it was all a prank but I quickly forgot about my gut feeling after my 4th drink.

"Hey..." Someones voice whispered in my ear as their hands made their way around my waist. I turned around to see the only guy I've ever liked. He was very popular and never noticed me until now. I blushed.

"Hi." I whispered back, pulling the ends of my hair, feeling a little shy and awkward. He took my hand and I stumbled along behind him as he led me upstairs into an empty room.

Nat's POV:
*next morning*
I woke up early feeling anxious for some reason. First of all, I never wake up at 7am and secondly, I have absolutely nothing to be anxious about. Not that I now of at least.

I decide to go into my daughters room and lay with her, she always loves cuddles and we haven't cuddled in a while.

I open the door to an empty bed. Completely empty, the sheets and blankets off the bed and hanging out the window. My heart skipped a beat. Where the hell was my daughter!?

Y/n's POV:
*During the party*
I was receiving kisses all over my body as he slowly took my shirt off. I stopped him and shook my head.

"Here, take this." He said giving me a bottle of pills. I raised my eyebrow.

"Why?" I asked, it was so random.

"It'll relax you." He said as he continued to try and remove my clothes, I kept pushing him away.

"Stop it!" I yelled as he pushed me down onto a bed and pinned me. I was too drunk to realize what was going on, but I knew it wasn't something good. I tried wiggling my way out of his grip, but he was strong and my level of intoxication was too high for me to fight back. I continued to try as he started ripping my clothes to get them off.

"Help!" I screamed, hoping someone was sober enough to help me, but no one came.

I took the opportunity to get up and fight when he released me to pull down his pants. I continued to fight until he fell and I had the few seconds it took to run out of the room and hide myself in the crowd of people.

*next morning*
I woke up a ripped up couch in the living room of the house. The music still loud, giving me a headache, most people were passed out on the floor. My phone started ringing and without looking to see who it was I answered it.

Me: "please don't yell."
Nat: "I better see your ass at home in 15 minutes, or you're gonna wish-"

I cut her off by hanging up, knowing I'll get yelled at for that as well. I quickly got up and made my way back to the compound.

Nat's POV:
Y/n walked in, with her clothes ripped and smelling of smoke and alcohol.

"Are you okay?" I immediately asked as she walked in, seeing her clothes scared me.

She started tearing up and I ran to her, wrapping my arms around her.

"I'm sorry mama." She croaked.

"Baby, what happened?" I asked, she was still going to be in so much trouble for sneaking out and going to a party. But I needed to make sure my daughter was alright before I punish her.

"I was really drunk...this guy...he tried...mama I'm sorry." She cried. I held her tighter in my arms as I stroked her hair calming her down.

"Did he?" I asked. She shook her head and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"I fought him...but were right." She cried. I was right? That's something she never could admit.

"How so?" I asked.

"I can't trust anyone." She said bluntly. My heart sank. I wish I never taught her that. Yes, I've learned that, but I trust her, I trust The Avengers. I trust people.

"The girls were being so nice to me, and I knew it had to be some kind of prank but I didn't care." She started and I knew what she was talking about. "They didn't stop him when he took me upstairs."

I continued to hug my daughter. I wasn't going to punish her. She knew she was in the wrong, and she was already punished by those girls and that guy. It wasn't fair to her, she's done nothing wrong.

Maybe she's right. Maybe she would be safer if they knew I was her mother.

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