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Age: 17
Warnings: ED, read at your own risk
Word count:

Age: 17Warnings: ED, read at your own riskWord count:

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Nat's POV:
"Good morning baby." I smiled at my teenager as she made her way downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Morning mom." She tiredly said. I gave her a kiss on the forehead before pushing a plate of pancakes in front of her.

Pancakes were definitely her favorite breakfast ever since she was just a little girl.

"Oh, uh...I'm not hungry." She said pushing the plate away. I frowned at her, trying to read her. But she was just as hard to read as I was. Like mother like daughter I guess.

"You have to eat, you didn't eat dinner last night." I said with a hint of worry. She nodded and picked up the fork. I smiled and turned away, going upstairs to get ready for the day.

Steve's POV:
I ran into Y/n in the kitchen this morning as she was cutting her pancakes into bite size pieces. She looked unhealthy and tired with dark circles under her eyes. She even started wearing bulky clothes, hoodies and jeans everyday.

"What's wrong?" I asked and all she did was shrug. I've noticed she wasn't her usual bubbly self, but I only assumed it was the teenage hormones running through her.

"Are you sick?" Tony asked as he made his way into the kitchen as well.

She hesitated but shook her head. Tony went over and put his hand on her forehead, making sure she wasn't running a temperature.

"Does anything hurt." He asked in a protective tone but stern tone.

Tony was a bit overprotective of the teenager, especially after what happened when she was a just toddler.

"I feel fine." Y/n said and I immediately knew she was lying about something. Her and Natasha were the same when they lie, it was so hard to tell but the slightest pitch in their voices gave it all away. And I was sure I was the only one that could tell that certain pitch.

"Alright." I said, knowing that if I push the subject any further it won't end well. She quickly got up from her seat at the table and threw the rest of her pancakes out.

Y/n's POV:
"Hey, Y/n aren't you gonna eat lunch?" Peter asked me as he sat down beside me with his tray of food.

"Nah, I'm not that hungry." I told him, biting my nails as he eyed me.

"You haven't eaten lunch in the last few weeks." He pointed out and I shrugged.

"I'm just not that hungry, okay!?" I snapped, trying to avoid any conversation about food. He nodded his head and ate his lunch in silence while Ned rambled on about Star Wars.

"Does anyone want my tater tots?" Peter asked as he was about to get up to throw away his trash. I could tell Ned and MJ wanted them, but the question was directly for me.

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