Home 🏠 Alone pt. 2

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Age: 8
Warnings: swears
Word count:

"Mr. Stark," Jarvis's voice grabbed the attention of everyone as they all sat in the airport. "Two men have been spotted outside the compound."

At those words, Natasha immediately snatched Tony's phone from his hands. She looked at the security cameras and sure enough, two men in all black crept around the building, searching for a way in.

"Jarvis, make sure all doors and windows are locked." Natasha ordered, worry in her voice evident. 

"Already done Miss Romanoff." Jarvis replied.

Natasha watched the men carefully wishing she was holding her little girl right now. They seemed to know the Avengers left for vacation. How they knew, was a mystery. She wouldn't care if they broke in and took everything, but her daughter is in there, her daughter is in danger and she was helpless.

"Jarvis, show me Y/n." Natasha ordered, fear grew inside her as the screen switched to a security camera that seemed to be hidden in her room.

She looked up and glared at Tony before looking back down at the screen. She could see the little body of her eight year old daughter running into her room and jumping onto her large bed. Quickly you pulled the covers over your head.

"Mama, where are you?" Your voice was trembling as you held in your tears. The sound of your scared little voice broke Natasha's heart.

"You're a pervert." Yelena snapped.

"If you have one in my room, Stark, you're so dead." Wanda said with her thick Sokovian accent, her eyes glowing red.

"If this security camera wasn't in Natasha's room, she would be beside herself with worry!" He explained.

Natasha rolled her eyes, choosing to ignore the others fighting over hidden security cameras. She just wanted to get home.

"Tony!" She practically screamed his name as a light bulb went off on her head. "Can you send one of your suits to take me back to the compound?"

His eyes went wide, almost as if he was mad that he didn't think of it himself. He snatched his phone from Natasha's hands and ordered a suit that should fit Natasha perfectly to collect her from the Bahamas.

"Auntie Nat, I don't want you to go." Lila whined holding onto Natasha's hand. Natasha bent to Lila's level.

"I know sweetie, but Y/n's only eight and can't be on her own just yet." Natasha explained as sweetly as possible. "She needs her mommy and I have to make sure she's alright."

"But it's not fair, she's ruining our Christmas!" Cassie said quickly, joining in on the whining.

"Girls, it's not Y/n's fault, it's mine." Natasha said honestly. "She doesn't know any better."

"If she wasn't such a brat, we wouldn't even be in this situation in the first place!" Cooper joined in, standing in between Cassie and Lila.

"That's enough kids." Laura yelled, grabbing both of her kid's arms. "This isn't how you treat family."

Natasha glared at Scott, trying to get him to get control over Cassie who continued to whine about her 'ruined' Christmas.

"That's enough Cassie." Scott finally gave in, picking his daughter up and placing her on his hip.

"Auntie Nat?" Lila asked gently.

"What is it sweetie." Natasha asked, brushing a piece of hair behind the eleven year old girl's ear.

"Tell Y/n we miss her." Natasha smiled at Lila. She was never directly mean to you unlike Cassie, but it was clear she never liked you. Natasha and Lila were always together, always a pair until you were born and it angered Lila so much that she hated you for it.

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