Bed Time

13.9K 262 11

Age: 2
Warnings: none
Word count: 896

Natasha looked over at you on the floor, struggling with your blocks. You tried to stack them as high as possible but they kept falling. You starting whining and slamming the blocks on the ground, annoyed that it won't stay. Natasha sat down on the floor next to you and took the block from your hand.

"Baby, what's this called." She said holding up a triangle block. You shrugged, uninterested in learning shapes right now. You just wanted to build your tower. You picked up a square block and tried balancing it on a triangle, annoyed you start slamming it, hoping that will somehow make it stay.

"This is a triangle." Natasha said, taking hold of your hand so you stop slamming the pieces. "Can you say triangle for me, Angel?"

You grab the triangle piece from Natasha and put it in your mouth. Natasha giggled.

"No, you don't wanna eat that silly goose." She took the block out of your mouth and held it up in front of you. "What's this called?"

"Twiangle." You said and Natasha gave you a big kiss.

"Good job, baby! Now take a good look at this shape, okay?" She picked up the arch block and held it up. "What's this called?"

You shrug, still uninterested in learning new shapes. Why does it matter? All you want to do is build a tower that will be steady and stay.

"It's an arch." Natasha continued. You giggled. Arch sounded so funny to you.

"Awrch." You said laughing.

"Good job!" Natasha clapped, giving you a big smile.

"Oh My." Natasha gasped. "It's almost nine, it's way past your bedtime." Natasha proceeded to get up, expecting you to do the same but you just sat there.

"No!" You yelled. You didn't feel one bit tired, all you wanted to do was play with your toys. You had just started having fun being taught the different shapes and being praised again and again for your correct answers.

"Come on, it's bed time." Natasha said picking you up and putting you on your hip. You did not want to go to sleep, you weren't tired, and most of all you didn't like that you were being forced.

You started kicking and hitting, trying to wiggle your way out of your mama's grip. You pulled Natasha's hair and tried pushing yourself out of her grip with all your strength but she just held on tighter. You tried kicking but your little feet could only do so much. Crying hysterically, you lean backwards, almost causing Natasha to drop you. She pulls you back to her body and you continue to hit her.

"No mama, - I don't - wanna go - to sleep." You cried as you gasped for air. As Natasha carried you over the threshold into her bedroom, you grabbed onto the door frame, trying so hard to hold on as she pulled you away.

"Nooooo!" You screamed. "I'm not - tired! Mama - I don't - wanna - go - to sleep!" Natasha noticed how hard you were trying to gasp for air and immediately fell worried. She placed you on top of her bed, laying you on your back. She stood at the foot of the bed as she leaned over you, putting her hands on either side of your face.

Her face was inches from yours and you continued to kick and scream, still gasping for air. Natasha didn't seem to care that your little feets pounded against her belly and chest. You tried kicking her harder but she lowered her body even closer to yours to keep your legs from moving.

"Honey, breath." Natasha held your head straight but you kept on wiggling trying to get out of her grip. But she was too strong. "Blow on my face, baby like this." She demonstrated by lightly blowing on you. You gave up trying to wiggle your way out of her grip, and gave Natasha a little blow. You kept on gasping for air but quickly realized by not moving it was becoming easier to breath.

"That's it, keep breathing." Natasha said as she let go of your head and caressed your hair. You kept blowing air on Natasha's face, giving her the warmest feeling in her heart.

You finally relaxed. Natasha could see the tiredness in your eyes as she went over to the closet to grab your pajamas. She didn't want to move you to the changing table or anywhere else, she wanted you to relax and continue working on your breathing.

She slips off your little light blue dress and puts your pink short sleeve onesie on.

"Mama, I'm not tired." You say as you rub your eyes with your fist. Natasha picks you up and carries you over to the head of the bed.

"Your very tired, baby." Natasha said as she lays you back down. "How about you sleep with me tonight."

You nod as you watch her change into a tank top and shorts. She crawls under the covers and you snuggle up close to her. You burry your head in her chest to listen to her heart beat, helping you fall asleep. Natasha strokes your hair, giving you a goodnight kiss on the top of your head.

"I love you, Angel." She whispers. You were sound asleep and Natasha smiled, she longed for this moment to never end.

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