Sober pt. 3

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Age: 15
Warnings: swearing
Word Count: 1260

Natasha came home late, stumbling around the kitchen in her black heels and tight dress. It wasn't anything new–not anymore.

You could hear her muttering under her breath, frantically looking for a bottle of alcohol. The sound of the cabinets slamming shut and the contents of the fridge being pushed aside had you sneaking into the kitchen.

Natasha–even under the influence–knew you were standing there, watching her with an expression of fear.

"Y/n, do you know where the whisky is?" She questioned, slurring her words.

You gulped, taking a step into the kitchen. There was no need to cower behind the half wall anymore.

"You drank it all, mama." You replied lowly, your eyes scanning the room.

Just beyond the kitchen island, was the living room where you noticed someone passed out on the couch.

"Shit." She whispered, placing a palm to her forehead. "I need to go out and get more."

You whipped your head back to where your mother stood, watching wide-eyed as she grabbed her keys.

"No mama!" You whined, rushing to take the keys from her. "Don't leave me here with him."

Natasha glanced toward the couch, her eyes softening. "He's nice, детка." (baby)

"You just met him!"

Natasha quickly placed her hand over your mouth. "Shh, just go back to bed and mama will be right back. I promise."

You pushed her hand from your face, giving her a glare. "Please don't go. It's not safe."

Natasha gave you a small smile. "The packy is just down the street. I will be fine, дорогой." (Sweetheart)

"Mom, please!" You begged. "We'll both go first thing in the morning and have a girls' day. Just please don't go tonight."

Natasha stepped back, thinking about her options. She did miss the mother daughter days you two had, especially since it hasn't been a thing since you were eight years old.

"Alright." Natasha sighed, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. Your face scrunched up at the strong stench of alcohol radiating from her body. "Come on, you should be in bed and I should be getting laid."

You groaned, rolling your eyes. "I don't know mom, he seems a little too...asleep for that."

Natasha chuckled lightly. "Trust me, he's just taking a little cat nap. He'll need it."

You groaned again, shoving your mother's arm off of you. "Can't you just stick with one man?"

Natasha looked taken aback as she quietly closed your bedroom door. "Y/n-"

"I'm tired of running into a random guy every morning. It's not fair."

Before you could continue your rant, Natasha ran out of your bedroom and into the small bathroom across the hall. You didn't waste a second to follow her, pushing open the door as your mother gagged into the toilet.

"Oh mama." You sighed, kneeling beside her. You gathered her medium length hair into your fist, pulling it back and out of the way.

"I-I'm sorry, детка." She whimpered. "I-I don't deserve you."

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now