Skipping School

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Age: 13
Warnings: yelling, swearing
Word Count: 1936

Age: 13Warnings: yelling, swearingWord Count: 1936

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"Be good today." Natasha stated, bringing you into a hug and kissing your temple.

You rolled your eyes, maneuvering out of your mothers grip and groaning. "I will."

No matter how many times Natasha tells you to be good, you never are. She'd get calls throughout the day from your school, telling her what you've done wrong or asking her to come pick you up. It was frustrating as her free time was spent punishing you rather than spending time with you.

"I mean it, Y/n." She informed, folding her arms over her chest. "It shouldn't be that hard to follow the rules."

You only nodded, walking towards the door when Peter appeared beside you. Living together had its perks. You never had to walk to school alone, you have your own personal nerd to do your homework for you and you have a built in best friend.

"Bye Miss Romanoff!" Peter waved, as he walked out the door that you held open for him. You glanced at Natasha with a look of annoyance.

"I love you!" Your mother exclaimed, waving goodbye but you only slammed the door behind you with no reply.

Natasha definitely wasn't impressed with your attitude lately. You were always the one that kept her head on straight, but recently it's been a nightmare to even get you to listen to her.

She couldn't lie; a vacation from you would do her some good. But she knew for a fact if your uncles and aunts watched you, she'd only return to an unfixable mess.


As you and Peter entered the double doors of Midtown High school, the two of you met up with Mj and Ned who smiled mischievously at you.

"What?" You questioned in an annoyed tone while opening your locker and shoving your unfinished homework away.

Unfinished as in, Peter had too much homework and wasn't able to do yours. Not that your complaining; you could care less. He was the one that offered to do it just to keep you out of trouble with your mother.

"There is this Lego Store that's having a grand opening today-" Ned began, bouncing up and down like a child.


"Why not?" Ned inquired, instantly his bouncing stopped. "You're the only one able to sneak us out without anyone catching us."

You rolled your eyes, looking over at Mj. "She's perfectly capable." You said, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Come on, Y/n." Mj said, placing her hands on your shoulders. "I can't be alone with these two nerds, I need you there."

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