
6.9K 197 22

Age: 4 months
Warnings: none
Word count: 1165

Natasha rocked you gently, humming a lullaby to put you back to sleep

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Natasha rocked you gently, humming a lullaby to put you back to sleep. It was early, and Natasha was sleep deprived. Since the day you were born she hasn't gotten a full nights worth of sleep.

You always cried about something during the night, and no matter what Natasha did, you wouldn't stop. She'd change your diaper, feed you, rock you, sing to you, but nothing worked.

"Baby, please." Natasha pleaded as she bounced you gently. She was on the verge of tears as all she wanted was sleep. "Please go to sleep, for mommy."

Even her pleading didn't work. You only screamed louder.

She sat down in the rocking chair, rocking you back and forth while humming a Russian lullaby. Natasha had trouble keeping her eyes open; her hums barely heard over your cries. After what felt like hours, your wailing finally subsided.

You had tired yourself out.

Natasha's eyes snapped open at the sound of little whimpers. She looked down to see you fighting to keep you're eyes open and a little smile crept onto her face.

"Shhh, go to sleep моя любовь." Natasha whispered, gently bouncing you. She adored you. No matter the circumstance, she was more than happy to be your mama.

Natasha didn't dare move, she was afraid to. So after watching your eyes close, she rested her head back against the chair and rocked herself to sleep. It wasn't comfortable at all, but Natasha was thankful for a couple hours of sleep.


"Are you sure you don't want any help, Nat?" Clint asked for the umpteenth time.

Natasha shook her head, tears silently streaming down her cheeks. She bounced you as your wailing became louder, echoing in the compound.

"Nat, please." Clint practically begged. "Asking for help doesn't mean you're a bad mother."

He should know, he's been through it three times with his wife and children. Granted, his kids never cried and screamed as obnoxiously as you, but there were times where Laura wouldn't dare ask for help in fear she'd be a terrible mother.

"Let me take her for an hour." Clint tried. "You need sleep."

Natasha turned to face him, her eyes bloodshot with dark circles underneath. Clint had never seen her so vulnerable before.

She looked as though she was about to give in but unfortunately for her Jarvis interrupted causing you to scream out louder by the sudden voice.

"There is someone requesting access inside the compound." The British voice announced.

Clint looked over at Natasha with an apologetic look before going to handle whoever was at the door.

Natasha shook her head before walking upstairs to your nursery, sitting down in the rocking chair. She pulled her shirt down, exposing her breast.

You fussed, not wanting your mama's milk but Natasha knew you were hungry as you wouldn't latch on earlier either.

"Please, baby." Natasha whispered as she tried to get you to latch on. "Mommy is so tired, baby please."

Natasha pushed her nipple against your lips, finally getting you to open up and latch on. She let out a relieved sigh, smiling down at you as your wails immediately turned to whimpers while you suckled.

Natasha rested her head against the back of the chair, letting her eyes close as you were finally quietly.

But of course, that didn't last long.

The door creaked opened, causing Natasha to open her eyes. Clint walked in, completely oblivious to the fact that her entire breast is out. Natasha was about to say something but gave up, not wanting to disturb your feeding time.

"Someone came to see you." Clint smiled, beckoning whoever it was to come into the room.

A blonde haired woman walked in, her smile immediately fading when she noticed an infant in her sister's arms.

Natasha was speechless, as she quickly grabbed your baby blanket to cover herself, giving you your privacy.

"What the hell?" Yelena asked astonished, her deep Russian accent making her voice carry.

"Shut up." Natasha said through her teeth. She began to rock you as she felt you about to latch off. That was the last thing she wanted, knowing as soon as you did, your wails would start up again.

Yelena took a minute to look over Natasha. She noticed the dark circles under her eyes, the bloodshot eyes from crying and the fact that she had trouble keeping her eyes open.

Never had she seen Natasha look so in need of help. Although, knowing her sister, she would never ask nor accept help.

"When did this happen?" Yelena questioned, in a more calmer and quieter voice.

Natasha looked up at her, a small smile evident of her face. "Four months ago."

Yelena felt a pang of hurt, knowing her sister didn't even care to reach out to her and tell her. And maybe a little jealousy, knowing that she would never be able to get pregnant.

"How?" Her voice was small now, pain written all over her face.

Natasha shrugged, "I suppose Captain America's super soldier serum."

Yelena's eyes went wide, "No way!"

Natasha chuckled, nodding her head. "When I found out I was pregnant I was terrified, the first person I wanted to call was you-"


"Yelena, it's true." Natasha defended. "But I couldn't risk it. I didn't want to put her in danger."

Yelena nodded, understanding completely that Natasha was only doing what was best for you. It didn't feel real to her, like it was all a simulation.

Natasha felt you latch off, stiffening herself to be ready for your wailing. But it never came. She removed the blanket, quickly covering herself back up and watching as you slept soundly in your mother's arms.

"She's beautiful, Natasha." Yelena complemented, kneeling beside you and stroking your hair. "I can't believe I'm an auntie."

Yelena looked up to see Natasha asleep as well. Giggling, she gave her sister a small kiss on the forehead, before taking you into her own arms.

"Hey little one." Yelena softly said. "It's auntie Yelena."

She bounced you gently as you continued to sleep in her arms, "We're gonna have so much fun when you're older, giving your mama heart attacks and playing tricks on everyone."

You slightly open your eyes, showing off the emerald green orbs that you very clearly got from your mama.  You didn't cry, you didn't scream, you smiled.

Natasha quickly opened her eyes, feeling the air in her arms instead of you. She looked around the room, until her eyes landed on Yelena by your crib.

She was bouncing you, making funny faces and causing you to–giggle?

"She-she's not crying?" Natasha asked, completely and utterly astonished.

Natasha joined Yelena by her side, watching as you smile and giggle at your Auntie Yelena. "She loves you."

Yelena placed her forehead against yours as you continue to smile at her.

"OH GOD." Yelena screamed, quickly handing you back to your mama. "She's pooping!"

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