First Mission pt. 2

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Age: 15
Warning: Torture, abuse, blood, etc.
Word count: 607

You wake up in a dark and dusty room, tied to a metal chair that was bolted to the cement ground. There were no windows and only one light that hung above you, emulating you.

There was a faint ding and the sound of elevator doors opening when a man appeared. He slowly walked up to you, stoping only to grab pliers from the table.

"What-what's going on?" You asked, scared for your life. He had no expression in his face as he slammed his fist into the side of your face. You resist the temptation to scream in pain, instead you turn your head back to face him and give him a death stare.

"Never show them your in pain." Natasha had told her over and over again. "If you act like you want more, they will stop." Natasha's words flooding into your head as the pain in your face lingered.

The man raised the pliers to your eye level and grabbed your jaw, squeezing it open as he reached in with the pliers. "Act like you want it!" Natasha's words were almost screaming at her.

"Start in the back, I've been meaning to get them pulled." You said, trying to hide the quivering sound in your voice. The man looked at you and gave you a slight, cunning smile.

"Your mother taught you well." He said as he let go of your jaw and put the pliers down. "I just don't fall for it."

He quickly grabbed a knife and stabbed you in the stomach. You hunched over in pain as you screamed. The knife was still in your stomach and he slowly dragged it down, making you scream louder as the blood pooled on the ground.

"You can pay the price for your mother's escape all those years ago." He said as he removed the knife and stabbed you again in the leg. "She made me loose you, my ultimate assassin."

Nat's POV:

I ran through the halls of the red room, looking for any sign of you, when I remembered the basement. The basement was only used for storage, but there were rumors that the basement was where the girls who misbehaved went. I was never down there, I suppose I was Dreykov's prized possession, but it didn't mean that it doesn't exist. I took the stairs as the elevator would alarm whoever was down there, if anyone was there.

I was about to open the door when I heard screams that made my ears ring. I immediately knew it was you.

"Dreykov!" I yelled as I opened the door. He shot up and turned to look at me.

"Natasha," he breathed through a smile, "You're home." I cringed at these words but I ignored them as my eye caught onto you. Your eyes were droopy and the amount of blood you lost was pooling at your feet.

"Baby." I said, starting to walk over to you.

"Mama...I'm sorry." I shook my head, letting you know it doesn't matter right now. All that matters is getting you to safety.

I saw Dreykov pick something up from the table out of the corner of my eye and immediately ran over to him.

"Don't you dare hurt her ever again!" I yelled as I grabbed his tie and pulled him close. I took the object out of his hand and bashed him in the head causing it to bleed. He fell to the ground as I ran over to you and untied you from the chair.

"Don't be sorry baby, it's gonna be okay."

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