Easter Eggs

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Age: 7
Warnings: none
Word count: 631

You sat patiently at the kitchen table while your mother covered the table with old newspapers. Tony would have a fit if he found even a spec of color stained on his overpriced table.

You leaned over, noticing a black and white picture of your mother on one of the old newspapers. You smiled happily, trying to read the words underneath your mothers picture.

"After exposing S.H.E.I.L.D, Black Widow-" You look up at your mother who is now filling up small cups with water. "That's you mama!"

She smiled at you, before you continue slowly. "Black Widow received backlash for taking part in the KGB, killing over 50-"

Natasha rushed over to you, ripping the newspaper off the table and quickly scanning over it. "You shouldn't be reading this, милый."

You furrowed your brows, confused as you stood on the chair and looked over her shoulder. "Why not?"

Natasha tore the paper into pieces, stuffing it into the garbage. Turning back to you, she cupped your cheeks and kissed your forehead. "I don't want you knowing some of this stuff."

"But mama!" You whined. "What does it mean you killed?"

Natasha sighed, closing her eyes tightly. She couldn't handle the idea of you knowing about her past. She didn't want you to think of her as the monster she grew to be. Most of all, she didn't want you thinking she was any less than the hero she tried to portray just for you.

"Sometimes the news lies." She replied slowly. Lying herself was okay, right? "They make things up just to ruin other peoples lives."

You folded your small hands over your chest, scrunching your face up. "That's mean."

Natasha giggled, kissing your forehead before grabbing the dye and the eggs. "I know, детка."

The both of you soaked your eggs in the colorful dye. One yellow, one green, four pink and two blue.

"Mama!" You squealed happily, shoving your small hand in the cup full of pink dye.

"Oh, Y/n!" Natasha quickly grabbed your wrist, holding it above the water as the dye dripped off your fingertips.

She grabbed a towel, wiping your hand clean. "You have to be careful. This can stain, милый."


"I found one!" You squealed, running up to your mother with a bright colored egg in your hand.

"Good job, моя любовь." Natasha praised you as she opened the egg carton for you to place the egg inside.

You ran back into the yard, searching through the different bushes and plants as Natasha followed you around.

You stopped at a large bush, seeing a small trail of jellybeans. You gasped loudly, looking over at your mother who gave you a small smile.

You followed the small trail, fighting the urge to eat the jellybeans.

"Do you think the Easter bunny is still here, mama?" You asked with wide eyes. You could only imagine the bunny hopping around with a tie around his neck. You imagined him formal, but fun.

She shrugged, "I don't know, моя любовь." She replied. "He had lots of houses to visit last night, he probably needs his rest."

You nodded, continuing to follow the trail until you reach a tree stump where a bright gold egg stood.

"Mama, I found it!" You gasped as you ran to open the golden egg. You mother giggled at you as the contents of the egg spilled out into your hands.

"What's he give you, детка?" She questioned sweetly.

You ran back over to her, showing her the rare $2 bill and a small handful of jellybeans. You shoved the jellybeans into your mouth, smiling widely.

"This was the best Easter ever!" You exclaimed, running back inside to try some of the chocolates from your Easter basket.

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