It's a girl

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Age: unborn
Warnings: none
Word Count: 756

Age: unborn Warnings: noneWord Count: 756

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Natasha's POV:

I was absolutely astonished when I found out I was pregnant. I grew up thinking I was never going to have a chance to be a mother, to be someone who gives a child life.

But as I look down at the small bump, I can't help but feel bad for the life that's growing inside me.

I've killed so many innocent people, so many children. I was molded into an assassin, a killer...a monster.

I am a monster. No child deserves a mother like me.

Growing up, I dreamed of having my own family. Two children running around the house, one boy and one girl, a caring husband who fathered both kids, teaching his baby boy to play catch and his baby girl to be a princess.

Now, I only want what's best for my unborn child, but what is best?

As I stare at the black and white blurry blob in front of me, I can't help but let a few tears slip. Maybe I do know what is best and I just don't want to do it? Or maybe I'm too scared?

"Congratulations, Miss Romanoff." The ultrasound technician smiled widely. "You're going to have a baby girl."

I stopped breathing, my heart pounding loudly. Why a girl? Why? I felt sick to my stomach, imagining what would happen if the Red Room ever found out. If Dreykov found out.

"Ma'am, are you okay?"

I couldn't have this baby. It would be selfish of me to keep something so pure and innocent. I'd be setting this baby girl up for failure, I'd make mistake after mistake until she's gone from my arms.

I'd fail as a mother and Dreykov would be the one to raise her. She'd go through exactly what I went through, killing and becoming a machine, becoming a monster.

"I-I can't have this baby." I croak, the emotion in my voice wavering as I try to stay calm.

The ultrasound technician looks at me with a sympathetic smile, "I'm sorry Miss Romanoff, but you're too far along to get an abortion."

I blink, staring blankly at the woman. "How far along am I?"

"You're about 5 months."


"Natasha!" Alexei bellowed as I walked through the door of my parents house. Alexei was quick to wrap his arms around me, pulling me tight into his embrace.

God, does he ever shower?

I push him away, my face contorted from his lack of personal hygiene as I move on to hug Melina.

"How have you been?" She asked, pouring drinks for everyone.

I sit in the empty chair next to Yelena, who eyed me with a questionable look. She doesn't know, I haven't told anyone.

And my small bump was just that, small and easily hidden by my oversized hoodie.

"You've gained weight." She blurted out, her thick Russian accent making her comment sound critical and serious. Though, the cheeky smile on her face told me otherwise.

I shrugged, "Big meals."

"Well," Melina smiled, holding up her shot glass and nodding at the rest of us to do so. "To family."

I nodded, letting the tequila past my lips. Though immediately, I could feel the burning sensation of bile and quickly spit the tequila back into the glass.

"Natasha? What is the meaning of this?" Alexei questioned.

I came here to ask for their help. With their help, maybe I could raise my little girl away from harm. But I don't know what I was thinking keeping such a big secret from two Russian spies and a super soldier.

"Don't freak out." I say, slowly approaching the news. "But...I-I'm pregnant."

"WHAT!?" Yelena exclaimed happily, standing up from her seat.

"I said don't freak out." I giggled, standing up as well.

Melina and Alexei look confused, watching as Yelena practically tackles me for a hug.

Melina finally gets up, pulling me into her embrace. She smiled at me as her hand rested on my small bump.

"It's a girl." I smile. "You're gonna have a granddaughter."

Melina let tears fall from her eyes, genuine tears as she pulled me back into a hug. "I'm so proud of you Natasha. So proud."

Yelena knelt down to be eye level with my bump, her hands on either side. "You're safe with your mama."

I think those words were exactly what I needed to hear most. You're safe with mama. I may be a monster, but I'd do anything to protect my little girl.

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now