Tony's fault

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Age: 4
Warnings: blood
Word count: 1260

Natasha had left on a last minute mission and couldn't find anyone to watch you. Clint was her first choice but he was her partner on the mission. Steve, Bruce, and Thor were all away on a separate mission as well, leaving tony who was free. Tony was her absolute last resort when it came to watching you. He was irresponsible and was always distracted by something.

"Tony, I swear on my life, if anything happens to that girl while I'm gone..." Natasha had said before leaving. Tony held up his hand to interrupt her.

"Nat, don't worry, I've got this." He laughed. "What's the worse that could happen?"

Natasha gave him a side eyed look before leaving on her mission. She had said goodbye to you already, but you were sound asleep as it was very early in the morning.

Tony had you in your playpen while he sat on the couch, lazily watching tv. You were occupied with your stuffed animals and blocks when he suddenly got up.

"I'll be right back." Tony said. "You'll be okay, right?" You nodded as you continued to play with your toys, although the second he left the room you tried crawling out of your playpen. You've never done this before as Natasha had always paid you attention and rarely had you in your playpen.

You used all your upper body strength to pull your self high enough to reach one leg over the edge. You then pulled your other leg over and jumped down. It was easier than you thought it would be. You've never been anywhere in the compound other than the living area. There was so much to explore!

You walked over to the elevator and jumped to reach the down button as that was the only button you could reach. The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened, inviting you in. You looked at all the numbers on the inside of the elevator. All of them had numbers except for one. LAB it said in all caps. You didn't quite know how to read yet but it was odd to you that one button had a word instead of a number so you pressed it. The button lit up orange as the doors closed and the elevator slowly made its way down to the lab.

Tony was welding something when the elevator doors opened and you appeared. His back was facing you and all you could hear was loud music and the sound of welding. The room was all white and cold with tables filled with tools and projects. One thing caught your eye. Tony's suit.

You wandered over to the suit amazed. It stood on its own, nothing propping it up. You held your hand out to touch it but before you could, a bright light from the armor's hand blasted you into a table near by. You cried out, screaming in pain as Tony ran over to you.

"Oh no." He cried. "Oh no, your mama's gonna kill me." He picked you up and went through a door connected to the lab which looked like a mini hospital room. He placed you on the bed and picked up his phone, putting it on speaker.

"Hello?" Your mama's voice came through the receiver, sounding worried as she heard your screams and cries.

"Nat, you need to come home now." Tony said as he grabbed rubbing alcohol and a cloth. The right side of your stomach was gushing blood, it looked as though you had a hole in you but you couldn't tell with the amount of blood.

"Tony, what the hell happened?!" Natasha yelled, furiously. Tony squeezed the rubbing alcohol on your wound, holding you down as you scream even louder in pain, trying to wiggle your way out of his grip.

"Tony!" Natasha yelled.

"Nat, I-I don't-just hurry up!" Tony had no words. He felt so bad, his only job was to watch you for a couple days and instead, only hours after your mama left, you were badly injured. It was all his fault and he knew it.

"I'm on my way." She said. You could hear her explaining to Clint that she had to leave, Clint sounded just as worried and assured Natasha that he'd be alright alone.

"Mama!" You cried, hoping she hasn't hung up the phone

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"Mama!" You cried, hoping she hasn't hung up the phone.

"It's okay baby, I'm coming home, моя любовь." (My love) Natasha's voice was shaken with worry but she tried to keep her voice as calm as possible to reassure you.


Natasha came rushing in and immediately came over to you. She saw a bandage wrapped around your waist as you were still crying in pain.

"What happened!?" Natasha turned to Tony, giving him a death stare. Tony's head lowered.

"I left her in her playpen for a minute to work on my suit, I didn't know she could crawl out of it." Tony started. "She somehow made her way down here and my suit was malfunctioning, and it-it..."

Natasha's face turned worrisome and turned to you. You were still crying as she removed the bandage to look at your wound.

"Oh my God." She croaked. She picked you up, trying not to touch the area you were hurt as she took you to the car. Tony followed close behind. If only Bruce was here to help, she wouldn't have to take you to the hospital, causing more pain for you.

Natasha put you in your car seat and was about to get in the drivers side when Tony offered.

"Sit with her, calm her down." He said. "I'll drive."

Natasha agreed and got in the backseat next to you. You started getting light headed from the blood loss and Natasha could tell. She held your head up with her hand.

"Stay awake, baby." She sounded so worried. "We're almost there."

"We've got a child, age 3, blasted with some kind of energy..."

You were falling in and out of consciousness as you were being rolled on a hospital bed down the cold halls. Your mama held your hand tightly as she tried keeping up with you.

"Ma'am, your going to have to wait here." You felt Natasha's hand let go of yours.

"Mama?" You called out.

"It's okay sweetie, your mama's waiting for you to get better."

You woke up in an unfamiliar room, Natasha asleep beside you. Her forehead was resting against your shoulder, as if she was trying to snuggle with you without hurting you. Her body was half off the bed, trying to leave as much room for you as possible.

"Mama?" You said weakly. She awoke immediately, her eyes groggy. She smiled at you.

"How you feeling, Angel?" She asked as she gave you a kiss on your forehead. You gave her a weak smile and rested your head against hers.

"How you feeling kid?" Tony said as he walked in with a coffee, handing it to Natasha. "Your mama gave me a handful while you were in surgery." You giggled as he gave you kisses all over your face.

"Apparently you had little metal fragments stuck in your wound." Tony laughed as he tried making this traumatic day amusing. "It's a good thing your mama brought you here, or you'd be dead in a few days."

"Tony!" Natasha yelled. You giggled but where still exhausted from the surgery. Natasha motioned for Tony to leave and she snuggled up close to you as you fell asleep in her arms.

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