Never around

8.8K 212 132

Age: 5, 10, 16
Warnings: yelling, swearing, blood
Word Count: 3739

Requested by me :)

5 years old

Natasha was away on a mission, once again. It seemed like she was always gone, saving the world or locked in her office doing paper work. You couldn't even remember the last time you saw her.

It has always been Wanda watching you. She was the one feeding you and tucking you in at night. She was there soothing your fevers and handling your tantrums.

But it wasn't her that you wanted.

"Y/n, You'll see mommy tonight." Wanda reassured you, sticking the spoonful of mashed potatoes to your mouth. "But mommy won't be happy if she finds out you skipped dinner."

As tears streamed down your cheeks, you pressed your lips together, leaving Wanda to eat the spoonful of mashed potatoes instead.

"I want mommy now!" You screamed, slamming your tiny hands on your dinner plate. Everything splattered up, making a huge mess for Wanda to clean.

She sighed, placing the spoon down with a clatter and looking into your tearful eyes. It broke her to know that there was nothing she could do to make you happy, to make that beautiful smile of yours spread across your face.

But she tried anyway.

Wanda lifted you up into her arms while you cried hysterically, hitting your small fists against her chest and kicking your feet against her stomach.

She bounced you gently as she paced around the room, humming a Sokovian lullaby that her mother once sang to her.

Your crying stopped as your head collapsed against your aunts chest, listening to her steady heart beat. It was such a loving and relaxing lullaby–an unusual feeling for you, but you loved it.

Your mother always sang you Russian lullabies, which were known to be dark and creepy. You did love them and never complained but now as you listen to Wanda's sweet lullaby, you felt as though you were betraying your mother.

And you were fast asleep in only minutes.

A sigh of relief escaped Wanda's lips as she gently placed you in your bed, tucking you in and placing your stuffed animal in the crook of your neck. She smiled at you before leaning down to give you a soft peck against your temple.

"I love you, Y/n." She whispered, leaving your bedroom door opened only a crack–just how you like it.

Wanda sat on the couch, struggling to stay awake as she waited for Natasha and the team to come back from their mission. Hours had passed before she heard the familiar click of the door as it opened to reveal a very tired team.

"How was it?" She questioned, standing up to greet them. All six of them groaned in response as they immediately left to change and go to bed.

Natasha was just about to leave the room when a soft patter of footsteps came running down the stairs.

"Mommy!" You yelled happily, jumping into your mother's arms. She caught you and pulled you up high, kissing every inch of your face as you giggled uncontrollably.

"I missed you, моя милая девочка." (My sweet girl) Natasha smiled, before placing you back down onto your feet.

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now