Arrested pt. 2

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Age: 16
Warnings: some swears
Word count: 1357

Y/n POV:
I sat at the metal table, my hands cuffed together while the metal digs into my wrists. I portrayed confidence, but really I was terrified.

The door opens, revealing an officer. I quickly look away, staring at my reflection in the one-way mirror wondering who's eyes I was looking into, besides my own.

"Y/n Smalls?" The officer questioned, sitting in the chair across from me. "Is that your name?"

I nod, swallowing the lump that formed in my throat. He leaned back, crossing his hands over his chest. He seemed to know I was lying, but I gave him nothing. I used the same robotic-like expression my mom taught me since I was little.

"Anyone we could call?" He asked.

I quickly shook my head, "No sir."

He nodded, leaning toward me with an intense stare. "We can't interrogate you without a guardian present, that is unless you have no one to call."

I looked up slightly, rethinking my options. I could call my mom, but I wouldn't know her number as she changes it constantly. I could call my uncles, but they wouldn't be much help. Besides Tony, he might be able to bail me out before I even make it to prison.

But doing that would only blow my cover. I'd become a target on the streets, and I know for a fact that my family would probably send me to the streets before they even let me explain.

"I have one person." I say, my voice barely audible but the officer seemed to have heard as he handed me his cellphone.

It was odd to be calling someone off of an officer's phone, but mine was confiscated and I had no other option. So I quickly dialed the one number I knew by heart.

"If this is one of those stupid scam calls, I will shove my foot so far-"

"Yelena!" I quickly interrupt just as the officer left the interrogation room, giving me privacy.

I hear a gasp on the other line, "Y/n? What's going on? Your mother left me 16 messages-"

"Auntie I need help." I say. "I messed up big time and I-I don't know what to do."

"Where are you?"

I take a deep breath, already imagining the complete shock and terror running through Yelena and my mom.

"At the Police Station in Manhattan."


Yelena had fallen into complete and utterly shock, not quite believing what you had just said.

"This is a joke right?" She half laughed, though you weren't laughing along. "Y/n, tell me this is a joke."

When you didn't say a thing, Yelena couldn't help but choke down a sob. Her little innocent niece was going to jail. What had happened to you.

You had hung up the phone as soon as the officer walked back in, not wanting him to hear your conversation with Yelena. Though, you were almost positive that he heard everything anyway.

After ending the call with you Yelena immediately tried calling Natasha, a bit afraid of her response would be. But the number was out of service and Yelena couldn't just wait around. She needed to do everything in her power to get you out of trouble.

As soon as she whipped open her front door, her eyes widened at the sight of a particular red headed woman.

"You haven't answered any of my calls or texts." She scowled in a motherly tone.

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