
9K 153 41

Age: 16
Warnings: some swears
Word count: 1012

Requested by me :)

Y/n POV:
My friends and I walked into a small convenient store. It was the only store open at 1am and we needed some more rolling papers for our weed.

I am the youngest member of our friend group. Everyone else was old enough to legally buy alcohol and drugs while my sixteen year old self watched from a distance.

I never used to smoke or drink. I never even snuck out of the house. But ever since my mom has been distant with me and always away on missions, I got in with the wrong crowd.

When my mom was away it was usually Uncle Tony who would watch me. Unless of course the whole team was away, then I was on my own.

I watched as the oldest of our group, Zach, walked up to the counter. I could see a bulge in his pants waist line, knowing immediately what it was.

"That'll be $8.50." The man that stood behind the counter said. He had greasy long black hair, large eye bags under his eyes and his clothes were dirty. You could almost see his stench.

Zach searched through his pockets, an expression of worry appearing on his face.

"You guys have money with you?" He questioned, but it sounded like an order.

I watched as the three other guys searched their pockets as well. They all shrugged in response.

As I was grabbing my wallet from my jacket pocket, Zach took the bulge out from his waistline.

"Save your money, Y/n." He ordered, aiming the handgun at the cashier who immediately put his hands up in defeat. He honestly looked too high to comprehend what was happening. But so are we.

"This one's going to college someday." Zach told the man, a proud smile forming in his thin lips, his gun still pointed directly at the greasy haired man.

I smiled and nodded in agreement, even though that's not what I want. I want to be my mom, become an avenger.

Although they didn't know that. They didn't know who my mom was. They thought I was an orphan, just like them.

They believed I grew up in the streets. But what's the difference? Why should I pretend like I'm loved and cared for when my mom is never around anymore?

The other three guys, Matt, Kyle, and Xander all took out their own guns as well while I scanned the isles, making sure no one was here.

"Open the drawer!" Kyle yelled, tapping the barrel of his gun on the register.

The man obeyed and I could here the boys laughing as they put the money in an empty bag we had.

I personally didn't need the extra cash, since I had full access to Tony's money. But once again, they didn't know that.

"Goddamit!" I yelled as someone ran past me, knocking me into a shelf.

They had called the cops.

Nat's POV:
I missed my little girl, although she's not so little anymore. I've been away on missions for so long, only coming home once or twice a month to see her. However, I was only able to stay a few hours, or a full day at the most.

It broke my heart to see my baby growing up without me. I was no longer someone she woke up to or fell asleep to. To her, I was just a memory.

I did call and text her almost every day. It was hard though as I have to change phones daily just to contact her, but we made it work.

Sometimes she would answer me, other times she'd ignore me, which I understand why.

I wanted to go home so bad to see her, to hold her in my arms and kiss her forehead. To tell her mama loves her and never let go.

But what she doesn't know is that me being away from her, is what's keeping her alive. Dreykov is out there, looking for her. Except he's looking in the wrong places.

I'm three whole steps in front of him, making him follow a nonexistent trail of my daughter.

I decided to lead dreykov to a juvenile detention out in Arizona. He'd have to wait until her supposed sentence is over unless he wants to be arrested by the Arizona police.

I smiled at myself, proud that I came up with a could place to lead dreykov. Maybe while he's watching over the prison, I'll be able to go home and spend a few days with my daughter.

I hack into the Arizona juvenile detention software to create a fake inmate under the name of my daughter.

Inmate No. 4387

Name: Y/n Alianovna Romanoff
Sentence: 2 months for theft and burglary

As I was adding a photoshopped photo of my baby girl's mugshot, the software denied my attempt.

Inmate already detained

Those words flashed on the screen, making my heart pound with fear and worry.

I searched for Y/n's name and sure enough she was detained in a juvenile detention center back in New York. The software had recognized the photoshopped mugshot to my daughter's real mugshot.

She used an alias for her last name, it wasn't even close to the usual alias we use.

Inmate No. 6592

Name: Y/n Renee Smalls
Sentence: 3 years for armed robbery

Family: none

I couldn't believe it, her alias, first of all was horrible. I've taught her better than that. And secondly, she knows, no matter how much trouble she gets into, she can come to me. I can get her out of that trouble.

But instead she claimed she has no available family.

It broke my heart. Since when does my baby girl commit an armed robbery? She has money, she gets thousands of dollars from Tony for every holiday and birthday.

This had to be a mistake.

But it was her, the red hair, the green eyes, that was her mugshot.

Do you guys want a part 2?

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