Home 🏠 Alone

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Age: 8
Warnings: swearing
Word count: 2302 (longest one ever😫)

The Avengers compound was hectic as everyone ran around packing for their trip to the Bahamas. It would be their first time leaving the country or even the state for Christmas and everyone was stressed.

"Mama, can you help me pack?" You asked running into Natasha's room and jumping onto the bed. She was on the phone with your grandma and grandpa who were on their way to the compound now.

"Y/n, off the bed." She gently pushed you off the bed so you don't mess up her neatly folded clothes that still needed to be put in the suitcase.

"But I need help, I don't know how to pack a suitcase." You complained loudly. Natasha rolled her eyes, pulling the phone away from her ear for a split second to talk to you.

"Y/n, I'm on the phone, go ask aunt Yelena or one of your cousins for help." She said guiding you out of the room and closing the door behind you. You didn't want anyone else's help, you wanted your mama's help.

You went to your own room and tried to pack your own suitcase. You grabbed a couple outfits that would be perfect for the snow before realizing it wouldn't be snowing in the Bahamas.

"Who spends Christmas in a tropical climate, anyway?" You sighed as you remove the winter clothes from the suitcase and throw them on the floor.

Giving up on packing, you decide to play with your toys that were scattered across your room. Someone else will just have to pack for you.

"Pizza's here!" Tony's voice called out and you immediately went running through the hall and down the stairs until you reached the kitchen.

The eleven year old Lila and thirteen year old Cooper were sitting at the large kitchen table, politely eating their pizza. Most of the team had already served themselves and were scoffing down their food.

"Did anyone order me a plain cheese pizza?" You asked, looking through the multiple boxes of pizza that littered the counters.

Natasha eyed you warningly, giving you a look that says be polite, but you didn't want to listen. You asked nicely for a plain cheese pizza and you didn't see one.

"If you want one, someone's gonna have to barf it up." The nine year old Cassie Lang giggled as she stuffed the last cheese slice into her mouth.

It wasn't fair, they should have been thoughtful and saved at least a slice of cheese pizza for you. They were the avengers, they're supposed to be selfless. You could expect this selfish behavior from Cassie, she was always trying to get you in trouble, but she definitely wasn't able to eat an entire cheese pizza on her own in the five minutes the pizza has been here.

Without thinking, you push Cassie back with all your strength. You knocked her into the kitchen table which shook from the force, causing the drinks to spill everywhere.

"Look what you did you little shit!" Uncle Scott yelled as the rest of the adults cleaned up the mess of spilt milk and sodas.

"Hey!" Natasha warned uncle Scott. She didn't like when her kid was being called names with words that shouldn't be said around eight year olds. However, Natasha was furious with you for starting a fight with your older cousin.

You and Cassie were still fighting, both of you had a hold on each others hair but you had the upper hand. But, before you could send a painful slap across the nine year old's cheek, Natasha grabbed your sides and pulled you away from Cassie.

"We do not start fighting over a damn pizza!" Natasha yelled sternly. She knelt down to your height and tried to hold you still as you squirm around in her grip. "If you asked nicely, I would have gone out and gotten you a cheese pizza."

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now