
6.1K 174 13

Age: 6 months
Warnings: breast feeding, biting, swearing
Word Count: 1209

Natasha was spending the hour of peace and quiet reading a book while you had your nap

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Natasha was spending the hour of peace and quiet reading a book while you had your nap. The team was–surprisingly–keeping quiet while they spent their day off doing whatever.

With you down for your nap and the team being quiet, Natasha felt uncomfortable. After joining the Avengers then having you, she couldn't remember the last time she was surrounded by the sound of nothing. She almost expected the silence to come to an erupt end any second.

Almost immediately, the shrill sound of your cries filled the room, crackling through the baby monitor that sat on the table beside the couch.

Natasha rolled her eyes, annoyed that she jinxed it. Lifting up her arm to check the time, she let out an exasperated sigh. You were asleep for only twenty minutes.

"Are you going to get her?" Tony asked, rubbing the sides of his temple as your cries progressively grew louder.

"Yeah, yeah." Natasha sighed, placing her book beside her and standing up.

Immediately the team erupted into a fit of laughter, Tony being the loudest. "Did you get horny or something?" Tony asked, snorting at his own joke.

Her cheeks grew hot with embarrassment as she looked down at her breasts, milk leaking and causing  two large stains on her grey t-shirt.

She could feel tears stinging at her eyes, though she couldn't understand why. She wasn't the emotional type–even when she was pregnant–and she certainly wasn't the type to feel embarrassed.

"Tony, that's not how it works." Wanda announced in her thick sokovian accent, crossing her arms. She glanced at Natasha, giving her an apologetic look.

"Well, I'd be one happy man if it did happen like that." He said, leaning back and eyeing Natasha with a smirk.

"Milk leaks from her breasts when she hears a baby cry." Wanda defended. "It's natural and perfectly normal for new mothers to experience."

Tony scoffed. "Well, that's a turn-off."

"It wasn't supposed to be a turn-on in the first place." Natasha scolded, turning on her heel.

She rushed upstairs to your nursery, opening the door to the small pink and lime green room. At first, Natasha didn't want a girly room for you, but a few weeks before you were born she had a change of heart.

The room matched your personality perfectly, the two pastel colors with white furniture. Even Natasha enjoyed the beauty of the room.

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