
5.7K 165 3

Age: 13
Warnings: bullying
Word Count: 964

A/n: The signs are from ASL

Lexington School for the Deaf had recently closed down due to budget cuts, causing the board to sparse the students into nearby hearing schools

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Lexington School for the Deaf had recently closed down due to budget cuts, causing the board to sparse the students into nearby hearing schools.

You hated the idea, remembering your time in a hearing elementary school where kids constantly picked on you. But with the optimism of your mother, she convinced you that everything would be alright.

You actually believed stupid.

"Come on Y/n, answer me!" A girl laughed, pulling at your ears. "Cant you hear me?"

You couldn't do anything but stand there like a coward, trying your hardest to keep your tears at bay.

"What's the point of these anyway?" Another girl asked, removing your hearing aid from your right ear.

You went to grab it back before being slammed into the lockers behind you.

"I don't think she needs them." One of the girls said, grabbing your left hearing aid and slamming them on the ground.

You let out a groan as the two girls stomped on your hearing aids–the expensive aids that help improve your awareness of your surroundings.

"W-why would you do that?" You croak out, tears falling down your cheeks. It's been so long since you have used your voice and you weren't even sure if what you said was English at all.

"Sorry what was that?" They teased.

You kept your mouth shut, refusing to look at their lips any longer as they continued to tease you. It wasn't long until they got bored and walked off, allowing you to make a break for it outside where your mom sat waiting for you.

"Hey baby, how was your first day back at a hearing school?" She signed, smiling at you. You just shrugged, getting in the car and slamming the door shut.

You could feel the vibrations of the car starting soon after your mom got in, but the car never moved. You looked up, seeing your mom staring at you.

Once she saw your beautiful green eyes looking back at her, she began to sign. "Talk to me. What happened?"

You made an 'O' with your hand, swiftly moving it from under your chin to the right. "Nothing."

"Really?" Natasha signed, eyeing you suspiciously. "Nothing happened?"

She knew you were lying, she could always tell. But the last thing you wanted was to see Natasha beat herself up–again–because she thought it'd be best for you to attend a hearing school.

Not that this time was her choice. Of course the only deaf school in the district had to shut down.

"Just drive." You reply lazily, letting your hands fall to your lap.

Natasha slowly turned to face the road, sighing before starting the drive home. She would occasionally glance over at you as you watched the scenery outside pass by in a blur.

Your mother could read anyone with just a glance but with you it was easy. Using your expressions is part of how you communicate–which of course gave away everything.

Natasha tapped your arm, trying to get your attention. You glanced over, watching as her hand moved to form a sentence but you weren't paying any attention.

Everything around you was silent–as it always has been. You closed your eyes, taking it all in. The only thing you could feel was the vibrations of the car running.


As soon as Natasha put the car in park, you scrambled to get out of the car. Not one glance was made toward your mother as tears fought to break through.

She tapped her hand against the middle console, trying to get your attention with the vibrations. You ignored it, swiftly getting out of the car and slamming the door shut.

Natasha let out a very heavy sigh, already putting the pieces together. She watched you storm into the house before finally getting out of the car herself.

She felt the need to prepare herself before entering the small house that she had bought for the two of you. It was a purchase she made after realizing you living with the Avengers probably wasn't the safest idea–especially when you couldn't hear anything.

The amount of injuries that could have occurred had she not been there was frightening. By the time you were three, Natasha moved out. Anything for you.

"What's going on?" Natasha signed, sitting down on your bed and stroking your arms gently.

"I hate them." You replied, your face scrunching up in fury. "I don't want to go back."

Natasha placed her pointer finger to her plump lips, moving it away before pointing to herself. "Tell me."

You looked up at your mother with glossy green eyes–the pain evident. "They broke my hearing aids."

Natasha's eyes went wide, pushing your hair behind your ear. "Did you tell someone?"

"Who?" You replied with a scowl, letting your hands fall to your lap uselessly. "No one can understand me."

"Didn't I get you an interpreter?" She asked, her brows furrowed.

You shrugged, not really caring about the interpreter you were supposed to have. You knew Natasha didn't have very much money–being the stubborn woman she is, she refuses to barrow money–but she still somehow provided you with the expensive hearing aids and interpreters.

It was hard to see Natasha acting as if broken hearing aids were the last on her mind. It was your second pair and it's certainly not like your mother gets paid to save the day.

"Please don't make me go back, mom." You pleaded, leaning into her body as she massaged the back of your head.

"You won't be going back, I promise." Natasha signed, pulling you close and placing a kiss on your temple.

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